Tuesday, December 4, 2018


We put up our Christmas tree on Sunday. I've been really stressed, worried about making Christmas be magical and amazing for my kids. They had fun putting the ornaments on the tree after we discovered we didn't have enough lights that worked. Primero had to run to the local dollar store to get us another string of colored lights, which do not match the colored lights we already have, so our tree is of the Charlie Brown persuasion. The kids decorations are mostly clumped together within their reach, so other than the angel sitting slightly askew at the top of the tree, the top portion is sparse with decoration. Still, Love Bug is in love with the Christmas tree. He asks to plug it in every morning and when we get home in the evening. This morning, he turned off the TV so the tree “could shine better.” I see an oddly decorated tree with mismatched lights, but Love Bug sees a magical tree with shining beauty.


Earlier last week the van started getting a rumble; a deep-throated growl whenever I stepped on the gas. Friday, after Primero and I left family therapy, the rumble turned into a full-on roar. There was a problem with our muffler that turned the Mom-mobile into a monster machine channeling it's inner muscle car. Worse than the racket was the fumes leaking into the car filling it with the noxious stench of gas. The van still runs mostly ok, or as ok as before. It’s just embarrassing, loud, and uncomfortable. Maybe my dad can fix it, or at least that is my hope.


On Sunday I was plugging my computer into the electric outlet in my bedroom to charge it after playing Christmas music for most of the afternoon. I had my light on to see better, since the socket was behind my bed, and suddenly I was in the dark. I thought the fuse was blown and asked Primero to go into his room (where the fuse box is located) and flip the switch. He did, but my light did not come back on. And the outlet did not charge my phone or computer. Prior to the electrical issue, Primero had accidentally bumped the light, so I thought maybe the ground wire came loose or something like that. So, we fixed the light fixture and still it would not work. So, I called my dad. He suggested I take the outlet apart to see if there were any wires loose. I moved my dresser and pried the socket out of the wall but all the wires were snug. The electrical issue persisted until I got home last night and accidentally flipped the light switch on. I was bathed in light from my chandelier! Quickly I shoved my phone charged into the wall outlet and lo and behold, it began charging my phone! I text my dad this morning and to my inquiry on how the light could miraculously be working, he responded, “Spooks?” I only hope it continues to work and whatever issue or entity that made it stop working will not return. Fingers crossed.


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