Monday, August 31, 2020

Basement Trio

 It’s likely I am a prude. I’m probably not as sexually liberated as some people. I’ve done some stuff, I’ve talked about doing some stuff, but when it comes down to it, I’d rather keep things mostly vanilla with a few sprinkles every now and then. I am definitely monogamous. As much as I sometimes wish I could be into the same sex (because it seems simpler, even though I know it is not), I am not attracted to females. I can admire them, I can think they are beautiful and attractive but that is where it ends. I am cis-gender, hetero-sexual, and probably rather boring.  This is why I find it aggravating that in the last four days my home has been the stage for a ménage à trois of sorts. Primero informed me last week he planned on having two friends sleep over Thursday night. He did not tell me there would be alcohol involved until he came upstairs fairly drunk. I was not impressed. These friends ended up spending the night (often leaving during the day) for four consecutive nights. Not only were they drinking but, according to Primero, they were getting pretty frisky thanks to the libations and an Uno game with write-in suggestions.


All of the parties involved are of age, not to drink, but to make adult decisions. Other than loud music, those of us living upstairs were unaware of the goings-on down below. I could have continued on in blissful ignorance except Primero likes to tell me stuff. What has me the most agitated is the particular individuals involved (problematic due to some drama with Primero’s oldest brother, his girlfriend, and who is cheating on who). And, Primero claiming he doesn’t want x, y or z to happen, but continually inviting these two characters back over to our house. He doth protest too much, methinks. But, here I sit in the awkward aftermath wondering how to handle the situation. I do not really want this same thing to happen again. However, Primero is an adult, the other players were adults and they kept their crazy mess confined to his room. Still, I wish he would be like other kids and do this crazy stuff in a college dorm room and not my basement.  


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