Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Father Revealed

Prior to the floor dropping out from our world, the biggest bomb dropped into our lives was the revelation of Love Bug’s father. He has been asking me questions for a long time and I have always been honest with him. I was never told who his father was and none of the paperwork from CYS enlightened me, so I really had no clue. I had mentioned something to his grandmother many moons ago and she insisted his mom knew who the father was, but I am guessing no one else did. So, when Love Bug spent some time with his grandmother a few months ago, he asked her who his dad was and she said he needed to ask his mom. Later in the visit they called his mom on video chat and he asked her, but she didn’t tell him at that time. Instead grandma and mom both text me last week with pictures and a name. When I showed Love Bug he said, “I look like him” and then proceeded to ask me more questions. “Where does he live?” “What’s his last name?” “Does he play football?” His mom mentioned in the text message that his father has a wrestling picture of Love Bug and carries it around in his wallet, which I think it kind of weird. I don’t know why, after 7 years, this man is showing an interest, but if he is willing and Love Bug requests it, I wouldn’t stop them from meeting. At least Love Bug finally knows a little bit about his father.


1 comment:

  1. A big piece of the puzzle for Love Bug probably brings more questions too. But hopefully it helps him too, and is - overall - a good development. How sad that grandmother and mother never gave you that information at the outset.
