Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Wrestling Momma

Love Bug started wrestling. His first practice was the week before Thanksgiving. He was really excited to go but then refused to go in the gym when we got there. I coaxed him through it and it has been a grueling process every single practice. I am with him for the duration of practice, trying to help him to focus and learn; I even sometimes get down on the mat, trying to show him what the coaches just explained. It is exhausting. Plus, I know next to nothing about wrestling! The coaches are great with him, but there are a lot of players and not enough coaches, so he doesn’t get as much time with them as necessary. I think he has anxiety about finding a partner to try the moves with. Last week we had found a nice little girl who was on her game and would demand Love Bug cooperate. I think, after seeing how hard it was to get Love Bug to join in, her parents told her to find a different partner. She refused to practice with Love Bug the last time we were there. I understand, from her parents perspective, they want her to learn which she cannot do if Love Bug refuses to do the moves. But, my heart aches for my little boy, who just needs some extra understanding to get it. Really, he might be more cooperative if he had a friend he feels comfortable doing the moves with. Getting along with peers is hard for him. He does really well with the coaches and then freezes up with the kids his age and size. The coaches think he has some natural talent and I think he would really like the sport if he could just learn the moves. I wish he could make a friend so he would feel comfortable learning the moves. But, that will take time and in the meantime, I have to try to help him as best as I can.

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