Monday, December 2, 2019

Flying from the Nest

Lately I have been missing the not-so-long ago days when Primero used to sit on the couch with me at night and we would watch TV and show each other memes and things we found online. It has turned into an ache as he starts approaching the landing strip to fly out of the nest. He spends a lot of time working and some time going to school. When he isn't working or in class, he is with friends or on his phone alone in his bedroom. The disconnect is natural, at this point in his life. I just wasn't ready for it. My heart aches for by-gone times that I cannot get back. So, I try to take what I can get. It does hurt my heart sometimes when the little ones express missing him. They feel the disconnect as well. But, one day they will be the ones prepping for that leap from home, so it's best I show them this is all ok, just another stage in life. 

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