Friday, January 25, 2019

Ruining the Surprise

During the Christmas season, right before the new year, Primero found out he was going to be an uncle again. This time, his oldest brother Mr. J and his girlfriend were expecting. Unfortunately, how Primero found our caused ripples of drama, anger and resentment. Primero’s best friend is the niece of Mr. J’s girlfriend. The girlfriend had announced her pregnancy via a family group chat and her niece showed Primero, thinking he knew about it. But, Primero did not know and it came as a surprise to him because his oldest brother was adamantly against having kids. So, thinking he was the last to know, Primero called his mom. Surprise! He was not the last to know because his mother had no idea. Primero was upset and, for reasons that are not clear to me, he called Esperanza. Turns out, she already knew, bragging how their older brother told her because he trusts her the most. By now, Mr. J has found out that Primero usurped his surprise and he is furious. Apparently, he had some elaborate scheme planned to tell their mom and Primero had ruined it. Holy hot mess Batman! Mr. J refused to talk to Primero at their uncle’s house on New Year’s Eve but he did eventually calm down and forgive Primero.


Surprisingly, I was mostly unaffected by the pregnancy announcement. The only sucker punch I felt was when Primero mentioned how freshly pregnant the mother-to-be was; she was just 5 weeks along. I live in a different world, one where being 5 weeks along is cause for cautious optimism. The only drama-fest felt premature to me, but hopefully the couple can continue living in the world where early pregnancy announcements come to fruition.

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