Monday, January 6, 2020

New Decade

Sometime just before the new year began, I realized this is the start of a new decade. I guess I knew, but I didn’t gutturally know; the deep, feeling knowing. I usually reflect over the last year as the calendar closes in on the new year. But, this year I thought about the last decade. Ten years ago I was still married. Ten years ago I thought I could get pregnant. Ten years ago I was such a different person than I am right now. The last ten years have definitely been the hardest of my life. I lost my marriage and hope of a biological child. I lost the idea of how I thought my life would go, how I thought things would be. But, the last ten years also brought me to motherhood. It made me stronger, it made me think more and dream a little less. I started writing a new story from the one I envisioned in 2010. In the next ten years I am hoping to find more balance and less-hardship. But, if the last ten years has taught me nothing else, no matter what I will get through the bad and there will always be good.

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