Monday, August 31, 2020

Basement Trio

 It’s likely I am a prude. I’m probably not as sexually liberated as some people. I’ve done some stuff, I’ve talked about doing some stuff, but when it comes down to it, I’d rather keep things mostly vanilla with a few sprinkles every now and then. I am definitely monogamous. As much as I sometimes wish I could be into the same sex (because it seems simpler, even though I know it is not), I am not attracted to females. I can admire them, I can think they are beautiful and attractive but that is where it ends. I am cis-gender, hetero-sexual, and probably rather boring.  This is why I find it aggravating that in the last four days my home has been the stage for a ménage à trois of sorts. Primero informed me last week he planned on having two friends sleep over Thursday night. He did not tell me there would be alcohol involved until he came upstairs fairly drunk. I was not impressed. These friends ended up spending the night (often leaving during the day) for four consecutive nights. Not only were they drinking but, according to Primero, they were getting pretty frisky thanks to the libations and an Uno game with write-in suggestions.


All of the parties involved are of age, not to drink, but to make adult decisions. Other than loud music, those of us living upstairs were unaware of the goings-on down below. I could have continued on in blissful ignorance except Primero likes to tell me stuff. What has me the most agitated is the particular individuals involved (problematic due to some drama with Primero’s oldest brother, his girlfriend, and who is cheating on who). And, Primero claiming he doesn’t want x, y or z to happen, but continually inviting these two characters back over to our house. He doth protest too much, methinks. But, here I sit in the awkward aftermath wondering how to handle the situation. I do not really want this same thing to happen again. However, Primero is an adult, the other players were adults and they kept their crazy mess confined to his room. Still, I wish he would be like other kids and do this crazy stuff in a college dorm room and not my basement.  


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Monday, August 24, 2020

Lack of Money Management Skills

I hate money. I hate feeling like we never have enough money. I am also total rubbish when it comes to finances, especially my own. We got out back porch replaced this summer and it cost more than I was hoping because some of the materials were nearly triple in price. I don’t exactly understand how Covid and the quarantine are to blame, but the over-budget porch combined with my piss-poor money management skills means we won’t be going down the shore like I had hoped next week. The kids have told everyone, bragged about it at daycare and to anyone with ears willing to listen. I hate crushing their hopes, but I just can’t swing it. At least we have a safe and stable back porch we can enjoy?

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Monday, August 17, 2020

Won't You (Not) Be My Neighbor?

 I don’t remember exactly when our next door neighbors moved in. The house had sat empty for several years until the newcomers showed up. I’m not sure if they bought the property or are renting it. I don’t remember seeing a for sale sign. I remember the first time I realized someone was living there. I was home alone from work because I was not feeling well. I was napping on the couch in our living room, which has windows looking out on the neighbors front yard. I was startled awake by someone screaming and pounding on a door. Concerned, I peaked outside and saw a visibly angry young man stalking up and down the sidewalk in the neighbors yard, screaming and pounding on their front door. I was about to call the cops when I heard him scream, “Mom! Open the !@#$% door!” He ranted and raved for probably close to an hour before successfully waking his mother and gaining access to the house. Welcome to the neighborhood neighbors. I liked it better when this house was empty. I had issues with a previous owner, who also screamed obscenities, only they were directed at me or my dog. He actually frightened me because I don’t think he was mentally stable. I was quite happy when he moved away. Now, we have this young man who also seems to struggle with mental health issues. During the pandemic, when I was attending my weekly women’s empowerment meetings in the van (for privacy) he would inevitably end up in a screaming match with a young woman that often ended in things being thrown at her car or into the street (don’t get me started on their trash in the street issue). On Memorial Day, when our other next door neighbors had a party, I heard someone sobbing outside and was concerned for the young woman who tends to be on the receiving end of the young man’s screaming diatribes.  I sent Primero off to check on her, but he couldn’t find her. I was concerned she might be the victim of more than just verbal abuse, so I try to keep an eye out for her.


Beyond the tirades, my latest issue with these neighbors are the pungent smells of their marijuana wafting into my backyard while I am outside with my children. First of all, I detest the smell of pot. It smells like skunk spray to me and is simply gross. Secondly, I do not want my children to be around someone smoking pot (or smoking anything at all) so when they start, we go inside. But, that is not fair to my children, who have a right to be in their backyard playing. The way our houses are situated, my house sits on the front of the property, right on the sidewalk. So, we don’t have a front yard, just small spots for a flower garden. Their house sits on the back of the property so they have a large front yard but not much of a backyard. This means their front deck in in line with our backyard. So, the smoke from their favorite pastime wafts easily into our yard. I hate it. Marijuana is not legal in our state, other than for medicinal purposes and sold through a state-approved facility to someone with a medical marijuana card. Obviously I do not know their medical status, but often times it is a group of young men, so I will go out on a limb and guess it isn’t being used for medicinal purposes. Their flagrant disregard for the law chafes me, but even more so is their pollution of the air around our home. I am powerless to stop it, which only makes me more angry about it. I wish we had the resources to move, but that is also not a possibility. I am also not super comfortable talking to them, given the young man’s outbursts and public displays of aggression. My kids like talking to the neighbors and are always calling out hello, or asking to pet their dogs. So, I guess I just have to work on getting over it. Bring the kids inside when necessary and talk to them about being good neighbors (and probably start talking about drug use in an age-appropriate way). Just add that to our list of things to learn while home this first quarter.

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Monday, August 10, 2020

Virtually Untenable

 There are a lot of personal thoughts and emotions regarding back to school this year. Our district held a special school board meeting last week to decide what they were going to do. It was over 4 hours long. Our governor has decided to allow school districts to plan on what to do – open to in-person classes or do virtual classes or some hybrid version. Ultimately, our district chose to do virtual classes, with the teachers teaching remotely. I made the mistake of commenting on the district’s Facebook post about it and got sucked into a whirlwind of everyone thinking they were right and no one listening or finding compassion for anyone else. I’ve had some time to think about it and here are my thoughts (not that you asked).


The bottom line, no matter on what outcome you were personally hoping for, none of the choices were desirable choices. People asked me what I hoped would happen and I replied honestly, “I wish the virus would go away so the kids can go to school.” As with any decision made, it is impossible to please all of the people. In short, this sucks.


What I know thus far is there will be some form of orientation for the parents at the beginning of the school year. The students are expected to log in daily for attendance and their work will be graded. The school is setting up wifi hotspots around all the school buildings to help families who do not have internet access. All extracurricular activities have been cancelled. The schools will distribute lunch daily and the schedules allow time for the lunch to be picked up. One question was asked about special needs students and it was glossed over as, sure they will learn online. One question was asked about working parents and it was suggested that daycare facilities take on the roll of making sure students are logged in and learning. This plan is for the first 6 weeks of school (the first quarter) and will be evaluated pending the number of covid cases at that time.


Our district handed out Chromebooks in late May. They were allowing one per household. For us this means we have one laptop and two learners. I’m not a math wiz, but it seems if both kids needs to log on for attendance by 8:30 am, someone is going to be marked absent. We are fortunate because a friend gave us a laptop which allows both kids to be logged in at the same time, however the Chromebook has access to all of the necessary Google classroom ish whereas the laptop just gets them access to the internet.


As of right now, I am working in the office two days out of the week, which gives me three days at home. I sort of mentioned to the daycare director that the plan was for them to take on the responsibility of getting kids onto their laptops but we were only talking hypothetically. Again, we are lucky because my supervisor has assured me I can work from home all 5 days out of the week. But, and I’m not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth here, this means I am going to be back into that stressful situation of trying to two important things simultaneously and failing miserably at both. Since the beginning of July I have been translating for Spanish-speakers who are unemployed and trying to deal with the unemployment office. I do it via Skype on my laptop and it requires quiet and concentration. The kids have been in daycare since I started doing it and there has been little issue. Even if one assumes I can keep the children quiet, they will potentially be listening to a teacher talking, thus competing with my call. Ok, we can go to different rooms but we don’t have desks for each room, and if I am not sitting with the kids I do not know what they are learning and I am less likely going to be able to help. Not to mention the fact that I will have to actively, beg, bribe, cajole, and harass Love Bug to sit and listen to his teacher. So, sure I can work from home. And sure, I can homeschool/virtually school my kids. I have confidence in my abilities to do both of those things. But, not at the same time. At least not well. And this doesn’t even mention the stress and pressure of it all, so if I am lifeless and unresponsive by the end of September, this is why.


I fear for the special needs learners. I made the comment that some things can’t be learned online, like handwriting, to which I got a scathing reply “Don’t you know how to write?” Um… Yes, I can write. And I can probably teach a child to write if they are a neurotypical child, but I don’t have confidence in teaching a child to write who has challenges in doing so. Just like I can apply a Band-Aid for a cut but I would not attempt to give myself stitches; there are professionals for that sort of thing and I feel like that is what Love Bug needs. And it isn’t just handwriting, there are a of things he is missing because he is not in school. He needs school; he needs the structure that comes from school. There are some children, well people in general, who cannot learn via a virtual medium. My Love Bug falls into this category. He is more of a tactile learner and he needs to be engaged physically while learning. In the spring I was semi-ok with the idea that he would fall behind but get caught up once he was back in school. But, not knowing how long this will go on, I don’t know that I am still that patient. I know I can’t really do anything, other than teach him myself, but I don’t think I’m his best option either. A coworker suggested I homeschool him so I can choose the schedule, but to be honest, that is way above my pay-grade. I simply don't have the tools and know-how to handle special needs education. 

I am disappointed it didn't seem like a lot of consideration was given to just how hard this would be, especially for working parents or single parents. From my brief foray on the Facebook crazy train, other parents suggested us working parents should simply find another job; one that allows us to stay home and school our children. Or, we should use the federal new FMLA to stay home. I work 37.5 hours per week, which my state considers full-time but not the federal government. So, I would only be eligible to a point. Regardless, it would mean taking a significant pay-cut, something we don't have the luxury of doing. Just like finding a different job is not a realistic solution, nor does it guarantee the ability to stay home with our kids. I would need to take a third shift job, which mostly around here is in manufacturing or warehouses and it would pay a fraction of what I am earning, not to mention I would need to find a (non-existent) daycare that would take my children and uproot their entire lives and for what? I want my children to have an education but I also need realistic solutions to make that happen. Our current situation is simply untenable. 

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