Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Throughout the whole saga with Chica Marie and her grandmother, I sensed and said out loud to our case workers, that things with Mini Momma were not a rosy-posy as we were made to believe. I didn’t mean it to sound like sour grapes or like I wished for there to be difficulties, I actually hoped things were as wonderful as reported. But, it also felt like it was made to paint me incompetent when I expressed the issues and struggles with Chica Marie. Still, the reports to the county were of sunny perfection, so that was the story we had to follow. But, as it turns out, I was right.


Last night our case worker was over and she shared a secret with me. Apparently, her supervisor was at a holiday party with CYS staff and overheard a conversation between the current supervisor and someone who retired. They were talking about our case and possibility of having two separate adoptions for Love Bug and Chica Marie and somehow Mini Momma was mentioned. The current supervisor explained how things weren’t going so well and how Mini Momma was struggling and having a hard time. OMG! The truth had finally come out! Don’t get me wrong, I am not happy to hear Mini Momma is having a hard time, but it was vindicating to hear things were not as perfect as portrayed and I’m not a shitty parent for expressing the issues I’ve been having with Chica Marie. I know my case manager didn’t have to share that with me, but she did and I was grateful that she did. I was right that the grandmother was sweeping things under the rug and not a total bitch for saying so. And, hopefully, help is being provided for Mini Momma as it has been for Chica Marie.


The other piece of news we spoke about was regarding the separate/together adoption for Chica Marie and Love Bug, CHOR is still pushing hard for finalization of Love Bug now and Chica Marie later. They worry something could happen and Love Bug could be disrupted like Chica Marie almost was a few months ago. I asked her what the county needed to see to proceed with Chica Marie’s adoption and she said she didn’t know. She asked me if I was ready to adopt both kids and I said I would meet her a the court house in the morning, if they were ready to go. She is going to ask the county case worker what they want to see to move forward with Chica Marie’s adoption and reiterate that Love Bug is ready now. I hope we have an answer on this soon because I’m ready for it to be done.   

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