Friday, January 19, 2018

No Resolution, No Results

I don’t’ know if it is tradition or just a habit, but most years I set a list of resolutions. I convince myself this year will be different and I will actually work towards attaining the lofty goals I set for myself. Thus far I have woefully under-performed. So, my one and only, small goal this year is to keep my checking account out of the red and stop giving the bank extra money. I am not the best money manager, if I’m being perfectly honest, and I need to be more fiscally responsible. So, this small goal is really a sneaky way into a larger goal that is to get us out of debt. I guess I am of the mindset that if you don’t set any resolutions you won’t have any results. I always toss out the ”get healthy” goal and most of the time I work to achieve it, but when I slip up it takes me too long to recover and so the end results is nil. So, I’m not setting that goal this year. I am just going to keep moving in the healthy direction I have already been in, which is slowly losing weight by getting my hormones and body systems working properly and choosing real, whole foods that are not processed junk, steering clear of carbs and trying to limit portion sizes. I didn’t gain any weight over the holidays, I didn’t lose any either, but I didn’t gain and I’m totally sticking that in the win column because it’s so dang easy  to gain weight over the holidays! I am really hoping the endocrinologist doesn’t stick his nose up at the supplements my nutritionist has me taking because I really think they are helping. It’s not a night and day difference, but my levels aren’t all that out-of-whack. It’s more subtle, but I do feel like I get better (not more, but better) sleep and I have a little more energy (rather than scraping the bottom of the energy barrel and feeling like a limp noodle most of the time). So, I will take it! Here’s to 2018!

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