Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lamest Party in the Land

Friday evening was Primero’s party. I left work early for an appointment. Primero has asked me to pick him up at his friend’s house. He spent the entire afternoon complaining about his friend’s friend and how the mom got mad that they were ignoring this other friend who came to visit from New York. He said the other friend was included, but she refused to participate, preferring to be on her phone playing games instead of interacting.


After my appointment, we loaded the van, got the kids and picked up the homemade Puerto Rican rice a co-worker made for the party. Then, we headed out to the venue, about 20 minutes outside the city. We set up and Primero started the fire to grill the hotdogs and hamburgers. The kids ran around and played in the grassy area around the pavilion. We were alone for about an hour before the first guests showed up. It was his aunt and uncle and one of his cousins. His uncle took over the grilling, as our sad little pile of charcoal wasn’t really getting the job done.


His uncle complained to me that we were too far from town, so most people couldn’t make it. And it was a Friday night, which didn’t work for the same “most people.” Then, he asked why I didn’t ask them to help, because they totally would have helped. I wanted to weep. This whole disaster of a party was just too much. Primero’s friend who helped me plan the party had not yet arrived. She was bringing the utensils, plates, napkins and cups. Fortunately, there was enough finger food to satiate the kids, but we really needed plates and whatnot to eat. His friend’s uber could not find the location, so I had to get her from the ranger’s station, just as a storm had rolled in. Primero’s other cousin showed up with a George Foreman grill to cook more hotdogs and hamburgers, since the rain doused the sad little charcoal fire.


I know Primero was upset that none of his friends showed up. I know he had a nice time with his aunt and uncle and cousins. We stayed until it got dark and the park ranger came to chase us off. He was very nice and even re-opened the bathroom for Love Bug, who really had to go number two. I was mostly glad it was over. And, in keeping with the not-helping theme, Primero did not help clean up any of the mess from his party. I spent the weekend doing nothing in order to recuperate.  


  1. does Primero help out with any chores around the house? It's not right if he doesn't. Sorry to hear the party didn't go better but I'm sure he appreciated the effort.

    1. He does have chores around the house that he must complete in order to use the van.
