Monday, August 12, 2019

Reformed Delete-er

I am an email hoarder. I just don’t delete my emails. Sometimes I read them and just let them go, floating in my inbox indefinitely. It’s helpful, sometimes, to find an email I need at a later date by paging through my inbox. Except, I hit my limit with space on my gmail account. I could no longer send or receive emails unless I purchased more space or deleted some old emails. When I finally faced my problem, I realized I had over 10,000 emails. I know that might make some avid email delete-er’s cringe. It made me cringe to have to delete almost all of them. I started with the obvious, by clearing out the spam folder and the trash. It took me days to get through all the emails in my inbox and save the few I wanted into designated folders. It was quite a project! And I am now a reformed email delete-er! No more unnecessary clutter in my inbox!

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.


  1. Ugh this reminds me that I need to do this. I dread it so I put if off forever! Good job getting it done!!

  2. Thanks for reminding me I need to do this at work....yikes.

  3. I did this recently - deleted old emails, filed some into folders, and cleared my inbox. Then I went on holiday, and it is filling up again now, so I need to nip it in the bud. Thanks for the reminder, and well done!

    My husband deletes or files everything immediately. His inbox is disconcertingly (to me) empty! He referred to an email recently that I never saw, but he'd deleted it and couldn't remember the pertinent information. I pointed out that never happens to me! lol

  4. i delete almost everything! seriously.
