Friday, June 9, 2017

Ugly Moments

Epic Mom-fail. That was last night. I had a shit day at work and was so looking forward to just a mundane evening at home. The child prep case worker was there for Chica Marie, so they chilled on the front porch while I prepared dinner with Love Bug. His latest thing is “helping” me make dinner. Usually, he does this to get closer to the cabinet that holds the treats, but last night he was adamant about helping me make the less-than illustrious dinner of turkey sausage, a pack of Knorr noodles (the last pack we have, and in keeping with our whole foods choices, it will be the last, although this makes me sad because those suckers are a good last-minute side dish choice…. Damn you convenient processed foods!), and unshelled edamame.


Love Bug and I ended up eating alone too, since Primero was sleeping on the couch and Chica Marie was still outside with her case worker. We were mostly done when Chica Marie came stomping into the house. I went outside to talk to her case worker who declared she had had quite an attitude during their session. She was still maintaining her stance on not wanting to be adopted and wanting to live with her grandmother. So, when I went back inside I tried talking to Chica Marie. First, I asked why she had an attitude with her case worker and she just shrugged. I asked her why she didn’t want to be adopted and what other options she thought might be more acceptable than adoption. She declared she didn’t need a mommy or a daddy and would be fine on he own. In her bedroom of course. I tried to reason with her, in a lighthearted way but our conversation really didn’t go anywhere.


While I was trying to reach Chica Marie in the kitchen, Love Bug invited himself into my bedroom and tore apart a cabinet where I keep my Mary Kay products. He left a trail of destruction from the door to the other side of the bed and it was only when he brought me my necklace that I realized he was in my bedroom. I immediately became incensed. I thought he was sitting with Primero in the living room and instead, while I was trying to get through to one kid, he was destroying my things. I yelled, I screamed, I told them I wanted them all to go away. It was one of my ugliest moments.


Met with indignant teenage defiance, I fought with Primero and we ended up dumping our personal things on the floor, literally. After putting my items back into the decrepit cabinet twice (the shelf fell, angering me more), I angrily finished washing the dishes and went to hide in my room. I was sitting on my bed staring at the contents of the drawer Primero upended on my floor when I heard Love Bug ask Primero for chocolate milk. I remembered we had very little milk and thought I should probably go to the store to get some. On my short drive there I contemplated not going back home. I wondered how far I could get before the van died or I ran out of steam. I figured I would head west, since it was the direction I was the least familiar and less likely to run into someone I knew and I could just stay wherever the van left me and just start over there. At the grocery store a young mom with a little boy, a little younger than Love Bug with a head full of fluffy curls, was in the check-out line behind me. Her son was so quiet, I kept staring at him, wondering if he was real. He dropped his football and I eagerly waited for him to start wailing, screaming for its return. He pointed to it and called “ball” but he didn’t lose it, he didn’t meltdown or throw a temper tantrum in any way. I left the grocery store thinking, “not my kid.” Love Bug does not sit quietly. If he had dropped his ball, he would have screamed his head off until he got it back. What am I doing so wrong that my child, who is older than that little boy, cannot sit for a moment so I can buy the damn groceries? My sense of defeat was profound. I cried on the way home. Sad, lonely tears running unchecked down my cheeks. I didn’t bother to wipe them away.


I wanted to run. I wanted to disappear and forget about everything. But, I got the milk and a few other things and went back home. I gave the kids a bath, I did Chica Marie’s hair, I put the children to bed. Primero text me while I was at the store, but I didn’t respond. I took a shower and that’s where the guilt hit me. I wanted these children, they were the answer to my prayers. This is what I asked for! I so desperately wanted motherhood! Of course, my version of motherhood always had the help of a loving partner. And, I certainly thought there would be plenty of mundane moments, I just didn’t think my personal space would be so violated, so obliterated. I’m not my own person anymore. I have no sanctity. My person, my personal belongings, my everything is no longer just mine. It is for my children to use, to explore and to trample, to invade. I wept in the shower, just because I needed to feel something and because I felt awful. I’m a terrible mother. After fighting so hard to get here, I wonder if I should have believed the thoughts that told me God didn’t want me to have children or He wouldn’t have made me infertile. I’m undeserving. I look at a well-behaved kid in the grocery store and wonder if my biological child would have been more prone to sitting calmly instead of losing his shit over a dropped toy or some other minor infraction. I’m guilty of thinking the what if’s. I’m unworthy because I cannot love every minute of every day and all I want is my stuff to remain untouched. I’m a terrible mother because sometimes, after a really shitty day at work, I just want to be left alone.   


  1. I wish I could jump through the screen and grab your hand and say how much I get this! Being a single parent is a plan B for most of us and there are days when foster care drives us the brink and we lash out. I hope you know that you're not alone in your thoughts! I have so many evenings when I come home from work and just want to be me again. Not mom. Not a foster parent. Not anyone eles's lifeboat. Just me. Hole on and if you can- call someone for help. Leave for a night and give yourself the space you crave. Its not the answer but it will help. This one horrible night doesn't negate months and months of being there for your kids and all the love you've shown them.

  2. Our Foster Parent LifeJune 9, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    Many hugs to you! You are not a terrible mother for wanting your things left alone and some peace. These are natural desires! You are a great mother because you care so much about the kids that you cry over feeling like you're not doing a good enough job. If you were a bad mom, you wouldn't care how they turned out or that you yelled. Please know that other moms are standing with you and holding you up. Please take time for yourself to recharge and give those kids the best mom. And please be kind to yourself.

  3. So stressed today. Started with a 7:15am call from bio mom during the school rush. She wants to start back visits after 2.5 months and make them longer (she shortened them) and add the 3rd day she previously refused. The stress of the visits, the behaviors, the gi issues, the sickness all swept over me. At the end of the day I am her mom for these past 8 months but she is her bio mom and has her civil rights. I just wonder what rights my FD has. I'm thinking I can't do this again if someone takes her and some days I think take her I can't do this. But all I want is for her to thrive and to grow up knowing she's loved and if I'm honest I want that to be with me and my family. Selfish maybe but maybe not. Hang in there. It's not for the faint of heart and a break down here and there shows that our hearts are still beating. ❤️

  4. I've thought these things, I've thought maybe it's easier if he goes back to his birth family and it's not my problem anymore. I've screamed, thrown fits like a small Child, and cried myself to sleep. And that thought always wiggles in, if I had a bio child would they be different, I wouldn't have to share, it maybe wouldn't hurt so much to get the "I hate you"s and the "your not my mom"s. It's hard. And it's ok to need some space. It's so so hard. You're definitely not alone.

  5. You are me and I am you. Shitty moments do not = shitty mom. We are human and fallible to the core. We want more than what we can muster sometimes. We want all to be balanced and ok. When things are not ok we look inward at what we are not, but let's talk about what we are. We are brave, we are courageous, we are compassionate, and we are everything to these vulnerable children. A lot of people say no, but we say yes! You are braver and more awesome than you think you are. Pull those shoulders up dear. We are with you.....even in the crap-tastic parts. #fosterlove #singlefostermom

  6. Even some of us with husbands find ourselves doing the majority of it alone. I can relate to this post. We all get to this point.. it may look differently and take longer for some but all you can do is give those kids a hug and say you're sorry. Look them in the eye and tell them you're sorry and that you love them. I tell my kids Har sometimes adults throw fits too but that it isn't their fault and it isn't right but it is life. Hugs to you. Often times, things can be so much newer and fresher in the morning ❤️

  7. You poor thing. I can totally sympathize with you. There is not one parent out there that hasn't had a "I'm a bad parent".
    You have done an awesome thing as a single person taking on adoption and foster care. You are my hero
    Hugs and love to you.

  8. Hugs to you. Please do not be so hard on yourself. Life is hard. Foster/adoption can be so tough on the soul. Your bad day, or wanting your things to be just that YOURS, and wanting time for yourself are so valid! You, yes, YOU are not a bad mother. You are human. If you can, get a sitter, and take a well deserved break for yourself. You deserve it. Hugs and blessings

  9. You're not a bad mother, you just had a really bad day. I'm sorry. Also don't think that God didn't want you have kids and made you infertile, that's an awful thought. God certainly has a lot to answer for one day! There are so many great and loving people who struggle to have kids and then there are parents who are awful and abuse their children but somehow they are fertile! It sucks
