Monday, May 9, 2011

3rd Anniversary

     Tomorrow, Flaco and I will celebrate 3 years of marriage. Tonight we were supposed to meet with Pastor Ramon and his wife, but Flaco had to work because someone else took some time off. Flaco might have off tomorrow, but if not he will work for two weeks straight, 120 hours with no day off. Sigh. We might see them tomorrow night, but I have a meeting so I'm thinking we won't see them until next week. Sigh, again.
     Flaco and I have been doing ok. We've been talking a lot more and being gentle with one another. Flaco still wants two animals gone. He still wants a truck. I try to ignore the requests as best as I can, hoping he will change his mind. I am not sure how we will celebrate tomorrow, maybe just dinner. I'm just thankful that we have been making progress and that things are getting better between us. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary. I am so glad to hear that you are still making progress.
