Monday, June 12, 2017

Bad Adoptive Parents

As an adoptive parent I tend to take exception with less-than stellar adoptive parents. I know of a story of two local adoptive parents who really shouldn’t have become adoptive parents. The father has two adult daughters and he wasn’t really involved in their lives while they were growing up. He’s married to a woman with several children of her own and they had a 7 month old baby they were going to adopt. The baby was placed with them by the parents, who are mentally challenged and unable to care for the baby. I don’t really know the legalities here, but I’m assuming the adoptive couple has been granted guardianship through the biological parents. My understanding is the adoptive parents mostly have their 13 year old daughter watching the baby while they work, under the guise that the 13 year old is attending cyber school. Evidently, it must be time for them to legally adopt the child and the parents were told they needed to have mental health evaluations (not sure who mandated this) as does the adult daughter who lives with them. Supposedly these evaluations will cost $1,700 per person and, in addition to not having the money, the adoptive parents decided they no longer want to care for the baby because she doesn’t sleep through the night. From what I heard, it sounds like they are going to contact Children and Youth Services and have the baby taken away.


This story makes me want to throw things! How did people like these two get a beautiful baby only to turn around and shove her away because of inconveniences? How did this happen? Not only are these people unfit adoptive parents and just down right rotten, but I’ve heard that they speak poorly about the child’s ethnicity and basically push her care off onto the other children living with them. They disgust me! I’m certain the little one will find a home, being young and adorable, but the fact that she had to live with such horrible human beings is awful. This is what adoption shouldn’t be, this is what happens when uninformed people do something on a whim. I pray the little one quickly finds a home where she will be cherished or perhaps her biological parents can find a way to care for her with services or other help in place.


  1. That's really sad. People like that certainly shouldn't adopt!

  2. That's a horrible story; my heart goes out to the kids in that situation.
