Monday, February 18, 2019

Satisfying Moments

Today the kids had a snow make-up day, which I find ironic since we've had very little snow. I had off for President's Day, so I was able to stay home. This is not something that happens very often. Unfortunately, I woke up with a painful headache this morning; the kind of headache that made me nauseous because my head hurt that bad. Thankfully, two Aleve helped alleviate the pain and I managed to get Chica Marie to school and Love Bug to daycare. I had a leisurely breakfast and started binge watching a Netflix show called "You." Usually, once I start down the binge-watching rabbit hole, it results in getting nothing done and I berate myself for being lazy and wasting the day. Today, I managed to bake some brownies, wash the kitchen floor (an act of futility), and finish the laundry I had left over from yesterday. It felt so good to have not only spent some time relaxing, but also accomplishing some tasks on my to-do list. There is nothing better than the feeling of a freshly cleaned house. Sure, it only lasts a few moments in my house, but still those few moments are quite satisfying.

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I love that satisfaction of ticking off things on my to-do list. Clean houses are bliss! I hope your headache has gone.
