Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nothing new to say, but I will write anyway

     Other than more snow, nothing new is happening here. I filled the prescriptions for the Clomid, antibiotic, and pain med today after work. And, because it seems do dam fitting, while I was receiving my fertility med a young mother (maybe a few years younger than me, not like a teenager) was cuddling her sweet baby girl as she dropped off her prescription. I couldn't help myself. I was staring at her wistfully while the pharmacist tech was asking me some mundane question. I had to bite my lip and dig my finger nails into the palm to stop myself from bawling. So silly.
     I stayed up too late reading a little booklet the doctors office gave me about PCOS. It was informative about the condition, but not too encouraging about the treatment for infertility. Clomid was choice number one. Been there, tried that, got hormonal and dizzy but no baby. Option numero dos is Metformin to reduce the amount of glucose made by the liver. If this does not work on it's own, it might be combined with Clomid. Should this concoction not result in two pink lines on the pee stick, then FSH or FSH plus LH are given. Of course, this can result in multiple pregnancy. Or, as our doctor said, "a Jon and Kate situation." My husband (bless his soul) thinks having a boatload of babies all at one time sounds like more bang for our buck. *** Please note, my dear hubby is from Nicaragua and he has a different idea on nearly everything! I would never consider pulling an octo-mom! *** Ok, so if these 4 meds do not work for the PCOS-dammed woman, then they do something called Ovarian Laproscopic drilling. Anything with the word drilling in it, is not something I would like to experience! Luckily, it is a surgery done under anesthesia. In essence it is drilling out the manly-man hormones on the cysts on the ovaries. This might cause scaring on the fallopian tube, thus impeding pregnancy. The final option is good ole IVF - in vitro fertilization. I went to bed, hoping (dare I say, praying) we would not have to go beyond medications. We shall see! Tomorrow, let the Clomid begin!


  1. Whether things are new or not, sometimes it just helps to write and get stuff off our chests and out of our heads.

    I have an award for you on my blog. :)

  2. Wow! An award! Thanks so much - I am honored! :)
