Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Messy, Complicated Issues Galore

So, last night it felt like the dust settled enough for Primero and I to talk. I started by apologizing for pressuring him to call me something he’s not comfortable with and explained how I was ok with Ash when it seemed like that name would be temporary, but when I realized it would be what he calls me forever I wasn’t ok with it. I apologized for never telling him this before. I floated an idea his therapist mentioned, about coming up with a compromise name but he refused. He said that it would be “too weird” to give me a name that’s not Ash or Mom, so he will have to call me by my full name. He reiterated how his aunt was “like” a mom to him and he never called her mom (although, I hazard to guess he might have when he was young, since he was with her for so long). So, it’s an unresolved issue and we just let it drop to talk about the other issue.

 I let Primero know that I spoke with his therapist yesterday afternoon and that she helped me to see that perhaps he will never be able to have a true mother/son relationship with me as I see it – something resembling the solidified warm, close and loving relationship I have with my own mother. I asked him, if he decides he doesn’t want to be adopted, what were his plans. Well, he pretty much thought I could take Permanent Legal Custody of him, so his situation really wouldn’t change. I asked him how this would be different from adoption. Basically, he still has an issue in seeing how this would all play out in his future. He said he feels like he’s missing so much of his biological family’s experiences, like his sister’s birthday party this past weekend (which he wasn’t really invited to attend….. and none of his other siblings were there either, as far as I know). I asked how not being adopted would make that any different. He wouldn’t be living with any of his siblings, so how would the adoption cause him to “miss” things where PCL wouldn’t? Then he said with PLC he could be his own person when he turned 18, that he wouldn’t be mine anymore like he would with adoption. So, I asked him if that meant he would just leave when he is 18 and he kind of indicated that he would (keep in mind, he will most likely not graduate from high school until he’s 19). I said that I wouldn’t want that and frankly it’s not fair to me for him to spend 4 years with me and then disappear with maybe a text or note on Facebook every now and then. On the other hand, he said he could see both me and his bio mom in his future. I tried to explain that the ideal he has in his mind for his relationship with his mom might never come to fruition, that she might not be able to be what he wants her to be even in the future. I did not tell him what his case worker mentioned yesterday, that his bio mom was kicked out of housing and tested positive for drugs. I just couldn’t be the bearer of that bad news. Primero mentioned how he didn’t want to always have to worry about where he would spend the holidays, with his biological family or with mine. I said we made it work over Thanksgiving and Christmas and while it might not be exactly what he wants it still worked out for him to be with both families. I equated it to marriage – you have to spend time with your significant other’s family and yours, so it’s a balancing act. I tried to impress upon him that I am not taking anyone or anything away from him by wanting to adopt him. I’m trying to add to the loved ones he already has.

 So, I don’t know what more to do or to say. Is it wrong that I feel like PLC is him just using me for love, comfort and things until he’s 18? He doesn’t seem to feel any emotional responsibility or want any expectations placed on him, so it’s not really a relationship it’s me chasing him. At least, this is how I see it but I might not be able to see the forest for the trees. I told him I really didn’t know how I would answer the question about PLC and not adoption, that I really need to think about it and search my heart. In reality, I would hate to see him go. And I told him that and he reiterated that he doesn’t want to go anywhere. And that’s how we left this messy, complicated issue.

 One side note thing that was tossed into the ring of messiness that is our lives right now – Primero’s girlfriend is most likely pregnant. Let me explain. Right when Primero and the girlfriend got together she found out she was pregnant with her previous boyfriend’s baby. I expressed how I didn’t really want Primero dating this girl, since she had a lot going on and not making wise choices since this was her second “accidental” pregnancy with her previous boyfriend. Well, about 2 months after that Priemro told me his girlfriend had a miscarriage and so the issue was dropped. Last week she felt like her stomach had grown and was worried she was still pregnant although she was still getting her period and not feeling any movement (what on earth to they teach these kids in sex-ed???). Keep in mind, this girl has not told her parents she is sexually active nor has she told them she is dating Primero. She has a doctor’s appointment today, but took a pregnancy test a day ago and it was positive. Primero thought she could get a positive test if she was just sexually excited (which, apparently she is because she asked Primero when and how he’d like to lose his virginity – presumably with her……). I explained that the pregnancy test is not just detecting hormones but specific hormones that only a pregnant woman would have. Where do these kids get these crazy ideas? So, anyway his girlfriend is dealing with a lot and coming to him for comfort while he too is dealing with a lot and my head is spinning. Primero doesn’t want to break up with his girlfriend and believes their relationship can resume after the baby is born and adopted by the girlfriend’s aunt (apparently that is the plan but no one in this girls family knows she’s pregnant). He said, they have been together for 6 months now and he doesn’t want to give up because that’s his longest relationship with a girl. It’s strange how he can’t correlate his own mother giving permission for him to be adopted as the same action (and thus emotions) his girlfriend will be going through if she gives her baby to her aunt to be adopted…….

 I know I’ve commented about the girlfriend before, in relation to abortion and her irresponsibility in getting pregnant twice “accidentally.” I want to stay out of this situation, but there is one thing that is bugging me. The baby daddy (oh how I hate that term!) knew of the pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. He was saddened by the idea of abortion, although in no position to assume the role of fatherhood. Now, he is apparently moving to Puerto Rico (according to Primero) and is not aware of the latest development regarding his potential child. If he is listed at the father on the birth certificate he would have to give consent and relinquish his rights for the baby to be adopted by the girl’s aunt. But, if the girlfriend decides not to notify him of the birth or list him on the birth certificate this young man will be a father and never know about it. I personally hope someone who knows them both will open their mouths and tell him. What infuriates me is how little attention is given to the fathers in these situations. I know it is the girl’s body, I get that, but this baby is as much his as it is hers. Right now there is a pandemic of fatherless children because men can hit it and quit it and never even know they procreated. It’s the same for my sweet Love Bug – his paternity isn’t even known at this point. In the name of feminism, women totally sideline the men who father children but never parent them. And, in cases like this one with Primero’s girlfriend, the father isn’t even given an option to be involved or not. It’s pathetic, it’s disgusting, and all these fatherless children are the ones to suffer. Is it any wonder there are so many children damaged by trauma in the foster care system? Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox now……

 In an attempt to reach Primero, I sent a text message to his older sister. She responded by asking to see him. I didn’t coach her as to what she should say, I did mention that Primero is having trouble right now and is rejecting the adoption. I simply asked her to talk to him before he makes some irreparable decision that could truly hurt him and his future. She said she is for the adoption, she wants him to be adopted by me and she wanted to tell him that in person. She must have reached out to their older brother (not Hermano) because he text me and asked if he could spend some time with Primero this afternoon. I agreed and thanked him for offering to speak to Primero. I said I thought Primero would do better hearing from his siblings that they support him, they love him and will always be there for him but that they also want to see him make a wise decision for his future. His case worker did tell him that bio mom is using again. He asked if the positive drug test could be from her medications, but she tested positive for an illegal substance, so that’s not possible. I hope his siblings can reach him, I hope that in talking to them he can understand himself and what he truly wants to do right now. And I hope that I can stick this out and support whatever decision he makes. I want to be able to accept him as a PLC, but I just don’t know if I  can at this point. It’s truly painful to think that he would want nothing to do with me once there is no longer a legal obligation. I pray he can see reality and that he can see how good he has it (not to toot my own horn, but come on!). I am always here for him, I will always be here for him. I just hope he can believe that and accept that offer fully.   

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