Thursday, October 6, 2016

Double Whammy

We have fleas. To be more accurate, the cats have fleas they are sharing with the rest of the household. As these things go, we now have a full-on infestation with ground zero being Primero’s bedroom. Our weekend plans now include two bug bombs, dragging all six animals to the car wash where they have a room to wash animals and then thoroughly cleaning the house top to bottom. Before acknowledging the swarm that is upon us, Primero and I tried bathing the two kittens we inherited from his sister (we had three originally and found one a home). We did manage to kill a plethora of fleas but we did not wipe out the entire horde plaguing our home. Primero’s plight is the worst, having the kittens sleep in his room each night, but I’ve dealt with a flea infestation before and know their tricks. Primero thinks we can get away with just bombing the house and all our flea problems will dissipate with the toxic mist. I know this to be untrue. To sincerely alleviate our home of all biting intruders we need a deep clean, flea powder and diligence in liberal reapplication. All bed sheets must be washed. All floors must be scrubbed. The couch, rugs, and any other upholstered thing needs to be vacuumed repeatedly until we can rest assured there is nary a flea among us. Ugh, I feel itchy!!


In other news (because you know, there can’t be just one thing going on at a time), I was in my Facebook messenger app last night trying to find a message I had sent to my former college roommate who is coming for a visit in a few weeks and well, I found something else. Have you ever stumbled upon something that you didn’t want to know but when you found out it was too late to un-know it? Sigh. So, that is what happened to me last night. I inadvertently found two unpleasant pieces of news when I accidentally and inexplicably found the “other” folder of Facebook messages. You know, the ones that don’t ping and show up, but hide in some mysterious back room chat that I had no idea how to find until last night? Yeah, those messages. From non-friends. The first thing I found was from a former paramour (I called him Montana on here). The message itself was fairly innocuous, just wishing me a happy birthday two years ago. It was his photo, that tiny little circular blob, that threw me for a loop. I had to take a closer look. My fingers made the click before my mind could make them reconsider. The picture was of this guy wearing a gray suit standing behind a woman in a white dress, his arms wrapped around her. Pretty obvious what that is, right? A five minute Facebook stalking session later and it appears they met last May and were wed this past June. This makes the second guy I’ve sort of dated who has found someone – a previous love interest had a baby over Labor Day. And I am still single. But, let’s not go there.


The second message I discovered was old, from June 2011. Again, I should have skipped it, moved on and not opened that can of worms. Again, I’m just not that smart. This was an anonymous message in Spanish alerting me to my then-husband’s indiscretions. They even copied a message he had sent to another woman commenting on how he liked her, etc. I know my ex was unfaithful but this was evidence of an earlier dalliance than I had known about. I was only clued in six months after this message had been sent to me. In the grand scheme of things it matters not, but taking it as a double whammy made my stomach hurt and my eyes sting. Is there any wonder why I’m still single?     


  1. Sorry, those sound like not so nice messages to stumble across, especially the latter. I also didn't know about the facebook "other" folder for a long time. Mine is mainly filled with creepy messages from strange men. But occasionally something from someone I know but amn't facebook friends with gets lost there! I hope you get rid of the fleas by the way!

  2. How awful to come across those messages. Time doesnt heal the hurt even if one moves on. I opened Pandoras Box by reading some emails several years ago and finding out the awful truth. Hoping one day that the awfulness in knowing the truth will lessen.
