Thursday, December 15, 2016

The End of Stay

For this year (2016) I chose the word Stay as my word of the year. At the time, it felt homey and warm. I was struggling with deciding to continue moving forward with the (still) pending adoption for Chica Marie and we were hosting Esperanza and trying to envelope her into the folds of our family. Stay felt comforting, it felt welcoming. Now, as 2016 is nearing an end, Stay feels constrictive. It feels stagnant and stifling. I guess I’m ready for a new word.


This year I want a strong word. I want something that has some teeth to it, something with power that will last the entire year. As the year anniversary of Primero’s adoption passed, I thought about how certain I felt 2016 would be the year of my second adoption. Sadly, with TPR only scheduled for this month, adoption for the little one’s really isn’t much closer than it was a year ago. I think this stagnation in their case is what has turned my word Stay sour. I don’t want to stay stuck forever in this foster care limbo. I want to be able to find a conclusion and grow together as a family. I’ve come up with a list of possible Words of the Year and have them listed below. I’m seeking some sort of epiphany into which word to choose. Focus was the first word that came to me but Thrive and Exceptional are starting to win me over. I’ll be mulling over these words for the next few weeks as I ponder the end to 2016 and what hope lies ahead in 2017.


GRACE - the free and unmerited favor of God, simple elegance or refinement of movement

FOCUS - the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition, pay particular attention to

INTENTIONAL - done on purpose; deliberate

FULL - not lacking or omitting anything; complete

TRUST - firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

CONTENT - in a state of peaceful happiness, a state of satisfaction

THRIVE - grow or develop well or vigorously, prosper; flourish

DILIGENT - having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties

POSITIVE - with no possibility of doubt; clear and definite, a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute

ABUNDANCE - a very large quantity of something

ACCOMPLISH - achieve or complete successfully

BLOSSOM - a peak period or stage of development

CONSISTENT - unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time, compatible or in agreement with something

DETERMINATION - firmness of purpose; resoluteness

EXCEPTIONAL - unusually good; outstanding, unusual; not typical

DISCERNING - having or showing good judgment

WORTHY - deserving effort, attention, or respect

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