Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let the wallowing begin

     This morning I was going to go to church. Seriously, I had every intention of getting up and going there. But, when I got up I found an unwelcome visitor. My period. I told myself to not expect anything this month, that it would be like all the other months. And I might have been able to handle it without getting my hopes up. . . . . Until the doctors office called and told me I had ovulated. Without meds. All by myself. So, I got a little crazy and let hope seep in. I knew that I shouldn't. I should assume that it means nothing. That my broken lady parts won't just miraculously, spontaneously conceive. What would make this month any different? But, I dared to believe that we might have done it all on our own. That I might go see the doctor on Tuesday and they would tell me I was finally expecting. The end of infertility and we all live happily ever after. . . .
     Alas, this is not the case. Rather, I need to call the doctors office tomorrow to tell them I started my period and will need to come in to begin the Clomid Challenge. I hate this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. And, I simply couldn't go to church like this, with red eyes and the propensity to cry at the mere suggestion of the drop of a hat. Well, that and the fact that one well-meaning friend at church told me I should think positive and every month I should plan that I will be having a baby and believe wholeheartedly that God will reward my optimism with a baby. Each month, no matter how positive or negative I feel or think, I get the same results. No baby. In church they tell me that children are a blessing. Does this mean I am being punished because we do not have a baby? Is infertility a curse? I am supposed to monthly pray to God that He will send me a baby. And I do. I pray all the time for a baby. One would think an omniscient God would get it by now, no? How long must I wait for my prayers to be answered? I get angry at God and I know that I shouldn't. . . . . .
     So, today I wallow. I curse my cramps and despise my period. I cry and try not to. I swear next month I won't care so much, but I know I will. I fight with my husband because I hurt and he shows no out-ward signs of the pain (he told me he has basically given up hope). I torture myself by looking at pictures of my friends babies on Facebook. I sit around and feel sorry for myself and see the world as ugly and gray. I wonder what it is I have done to be cursed with infertility. What it is I am doing wrong in my life that I don't deserve to have a baby of my own. My arms ache, knowing they will be empty for just another month longer. And I worry. I worry we might never get pregnant (despite everyone telling me our time will come - bullshit!). And now that we are actually seeing an infertility doctor, I worry we will not be able to afford the treatment that we/I might need (our insurance doesn't cover any infertility treatment). I want this to be over. I just want a baby! I just want my body to do what it is supposed to do - create a dam baby! Woe is me. . . . . .


  1. Thanks Michele. I'll get over myself soon enough. :/

  2. It really truly sucks. :( I would have skipped church, too. You can trust and have faith & it still hurts like hell. I have no answers but I can offer a hug.

  3. Hi from LFCA-You're asking a lot of the same questions those of us coming into infertility with faith have asked. In trying to find some answers recently, I came across a book called "Disappointment with God" by Philip Yancey. It is phenomenal. And it has given me a new perspective on where God is during all this and why he won't give me what I want after all this time and whether it is b/c of something I did or didn't do. Just pass it along in case it might be something that could help you sort some of this out too.

  4. So sorry AF showed up for you. Reading your post and your About Me section, I can relate so closely to your story! We have much in common. I will be following and hope you get good news very, very soon!

  5. I'm so sorry that AF bothered you with a visit. *HUGS*


  6. Thank you everyone. You have all touched my heart with your kind words. Thanks for knowing what to say to a hormonal bi-otch! :) EBC, I will find this book and read it, I need some answers! Thanks for coming and welcoming me to the blog-isphere.


  7. HEre from LFCA...Just stopping by to wish you luck and letting you know I'm here if you need anything. We've too have been riding this roller coaster for 3 1/2 years. It sucks, but knowing others are out there can help.
