Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is our story

I am beginning this blog after reading so many other blogs about other couples dealing with infertility. I feel like I have so many pent up emotions about this issue and I am not ready to really have face-to-face conversations about it, yet. Mostly, I am very weepy and sometimes angry. I am finding there are things I don't like about myself and how I react to the news of friends who have become pregnant while we've been "trying." But, I am also learning how resilient I am and how much I want to change. I cannot promise I will not be sarcastic, weepy, jealous, and self-deprecating among other things. For this I will not apologize. I am writing for myself and if others stumble across this and decide to follow along, they do so at their own risk! Also, because I am not ready to reveal to the world all the pain I have experienced in the past two years, I would like to try to stay anoymous (or as much as possible, given I am writing and posting in a public setting). If you know me or think you do, keep it to yourself, please.


  1. You rock. I am glad you're telling your story and giving yourself this place to vent.

  2. Hi...
    I'm venturing over from LFCA. I haven't had a chance to read your entire story yet, but I wanted to let you know that I'm here and reading. This community of bloggers is amazing. I hope that you will find blogging about your experiences as therapeutic as I have.


  3. Welcome! ((accompanied by a great big virtual hug)) This is such a hard journey to be on, and it can feel so isolating. I am sorry that you have to join us on this struggle, but we are a good group. I started my blog last year, and it has been incredible. An incredible source of strength, and support, and hope. I started off with it being totally anoymous, but quickly told my husband about it, and then recently I shared it with my closest circle of support (My mom and Sister and Bestie). I kept finding myself talking to them about something that I had posted and confused as to why they didn't know what I was taking about! haha So I told them about it, and they all felt very honored. They don't read regularly, but it has been nice to give them a little window into the things that I am thinking about all the time - and also, I wanted them to know that I had an awesome support group in place. Its weird that such a public venue can be so private!

    Best of luck on your journey ~ much love - Foxy
