Saturday, June 4, 2011

At a Strange place

     On Memorial Day Flaco and I went out to a restaurant we haven't been to before. It was nice. While there we began talking about my favorite topic and Flaco's least favorite - our infertility woes. I mentioned to Flaco that I was thinking I am ready to try the doctor where my mom works, to see what other torture, er I mean tests, he can perform to determine what is preventing me from getting pregnant. After all, I have ovulated on more than one occasion and I have never once gotten even a little pregnant (it's a joke. . . ). So, this leads me to believe there is something else going on, that the infertility doctor did not feel like exploring, he would rather we jump straight to IVF. It looks better for his stats, I suppose. Flaco reiterated that he did not want to spend tons of money on infertility treatments. He then proceeded to tell me that he is disillusioned and no longer even cares about having a baby. He thinks we should just get on with our lives. I was somewhat frustrated and so I told him that I cannot accept not being a mother. I am a mother, in my heart, even if I have no children to be a mother to, at the present time. I said I could accept not pursuing infertility treatments, if only he would consider adopting.
     Whenever I brought up adoption in the past, Flaco immediately shot me down. No second thoughts, nothing. Just a big fat no. Well, on Monday he was more pensive. He told me how he had met this woman (a friend of a friend or the wife of a friend of a friend - something like that) and she adopted a little girl, then later adopted a little boy and discovered that they were brother and sister. He thought this was nice. He said he might consider adoption, since he also discovered that the government gives you a nice chunk of change the year that you adopt. For whatever reason, this made adoption more appealing to Flaco. I did tell him that if we wanted an infant we might have to use a private adoption agency and that they are expensive. But, if we used the state adoption agency, or we became foster parents first, that the state would cover the adoption costs.
     I spoke with a friend at work who is in the process of adopting a little girl. She has three biological sons and had been a foster parent for 8 years. She gave me the name of the woman she has worked with, who happens to be bilingual (as is my friend and her husband). Flaco had asked for a week to make his decision and I do not want to push him. His week will be up on Monday. If he decides he would be willing to go ahead with the adoption process, then I will call Consuelo, the name of the Social Worker that my friend gave me.
     I thought I might feel sad, deciding to adopt rather than having a biological child. Oddly, I feel at peace. I know that there are many children out there who need good families and I believe Flaco and I can be that good family. I spent some time looking at pictures of waiting children on the states website. They are beautiful children and without knowing them, I love them all and want them all to have loving homes. Flaco and I are not picky about the sex of our child or the race. The only things we are concerned about are the age (we know we might not get an infant, but we wouldn't want a child over 5) and the health of the child. We do not feel we could financially care for a child with severe disabilities.
     So, this is a strange place to be in right now. Part of me feels relieved. The pressure to conceive is off and the weight of my empty womb has lessened. I know my child will not have my smile or Flaco's laugh, but he or she will still be so loved and so wanted. My desire for a child is the one thing that infertility has not been able to break. I know the adoption process might be difficult and there might still be more cycles of frustration, but our struggles up to this point have made us stronger in the face of adversity. Am I sad to think I might never get pregnant and give birth? Yes. I am. But, I know that when I have my baby, my child, in my arms and I am reading him/her a bedtime story and soothing her/him to sleep after a bad nightmare. Or laughing at their silly joke. When we take our child to visit Flaco's family in Nicaragua, when we spend Christmas at the farm and sing Christmas carols all the way home - it won't matter! It simply will not matter. We will have our beautiful family.
     I brought this topic up to Flaco again last night. Not to get his decision, but to let him know what I discovered from my friend at work. Flaco still seemed open to the idea of adoption. He asked if we could adopt two children, maybe siblings. I told him that we should take this one step at a time and just worry about adopting one child and then once we are settled, we can talk about adopting a second child (we are both determined to not have an only child. Ideally, we wanted four children, but not that infertility has put a damper on that parade, we are hoping for at least two).
     A little tiny part of me feels like a cop-out. Like we didn't try hard enough to get pregnant. But, we simply don't have the resources to go through treatment after treatment after treatment. Believe me, I know we would have if we could. Another part of me worries about how Flaco's family will accept an adopted child. Well, and my family too. We haven't said anything to either of them yet. Mostly, because we don't know what we are going to do yet. But, I hope they will support us in this decision. When I made mention of this to my mother in the past (that I just wanted to give up and adopt), she said, "Don't give up! There is still so much more that you haven't tried!" I already mentioned to her about seeing the doctor where she works. But, now I'm wondering if this isn't just the way God wanted it to be for us. Perhaps He never intended for us to have biological children because He knows how many children out there need parents. When I first thought of adoption, I thought that maybe I was being like Abraham's wife Sarah. That I was trying to circumvent waiting for God by creating my own way. Sarah gave her handmaiden to Abraham to bear children because she could not. Even though, God had promised her she would bear a child. But, now I think that God has actually been nudging us towards adoption and He opened Floco's heart to the possibility. I guess the only way I'll know is to give it a whirl.


  1. That is such a heart-wrenching decision! Painful and wonderful and difficult and happy and scary and lovely. And more. All at the same time. I feel very strongly about adopting, myself. We would like to adopt as well, we just aren't sure yet when or how. Im very happy that Flaco is considering adoption and that you will hopefully soon have a path to begin walking toward building your family. Sending you lots of love.

    Oh, and also- Mike's cousin and his wife are in the process of adopting a 2 year old boy, in PA. I'm sure shed be happy to talk to you- if you want her info, just let me know.

  2. My husband and I are almost to the point of deciding to go the adoption route. We've come to terms that we're probably not going to get pregnant on our own, unless a miracle happens. The agency we're going to go through is Angel adoption. Google them. You just might like them!

  3. Amy, yes this decision has not been the easiest to make. Flaco decided this morning that he is willing to go through with it, so I will be making contact with the name I have for the local Children's Home. It is only hard on me when I think about the things I will miss out on, mainly not feeling what it is like to be pregnant. But, I realize that this is a fleeting part of being a mother and I am prepared to forget this dream to reach the ultimate goal. This is not how I wanted things to go ideally, but I need to let that go and just march forward. I know I will be so over-the-moon happy when we have our first child, even if the child is not ours bioligically.

    I think I have been following Mike's cousin's blog to adopt and I was thinking about contacting her regarding her experience.

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers in our struggle. It means the world to me! :)

  4. Alicia - I was trying to post on your blog last night, but we have been having internet issues and it decided to delete what I typed and I was too irritated to re-type it. I will google Angel Adoption to get information about them. We are looking at using the state adoption agency so it won't be as expensive for us. I know from previous research that there are also agencies that help finance couples adopting through private agencies. I know we would prefer an infant, which isn't always possible through the state, but we shall see. I figure if this is God's will for our family, then He will make a way where there is none, right? In any event, I wish you well on your adoption endeavor. I know the decision is not an easy one to make. My prayers are with you and your husband.
