Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wasting Postage

     So, I think I have what we need for our W2s. My friend Eeyore from the IRS mailed out 14 letters to me and Flaco. Yes, 14 letters - one for each of the W2s requested. Now, we did not actually get the W2 form we all know and love, with all the little boxes and deductions, etc. Instead, we got the information contained in the W2s in letter form. I'm guessing this will be acceptable. My qualm with this is that Eeyore sent each one to us individually. Really? I mean, I could understand if she sent mine and Flaco's separately for confidentiality or whatever - but FOURTEEN different letters?!?! And we wonder why our government is going broke? That was over $6 when it might have been $2-3 if it was sent in one large packet. Ok, I'll climb down off my soapbox now.
     Now our next step is to get the animals to the vet. We have an appointment on 11/29. I plan to have everything copied and ready to go so that the next morning I can get it all to Consuelo. I think she might need to come back to our house, but hopefully, we will be approved the beginning of December. And then we can officially begin waiting for a baby. Who knows, maybe we will have an especially merry Christmas? The week before the animals go to the vet I will meet with another new doctor. This will be the 4th doctor I will be seeing to try to get pregnant. I'm not looking forward to the appointment. Internally, I am still battling with the hope/despair of a biological child. I have a friend who is going to the hospital tomorrow to be induced. I have another friend (and her sister) who will be having a baby in the next couple of weeks. That leaves only three other pregnant women whom I know. This just all feels tiring to me. I'm tired of feeling my stomach tie itself in knots over another woman's blessing. I'm tired of fighting so hard to not be green with envy for what another person has. I'm tired. We are approaching our three year anniversary of trying to conceive. That seems insanely long to me. Like a lifetime has passed in this limbo. And I don't just mean waiting for a baby, but there are so many things I have denied myself due to possibly being or getting pregnant - things like blue cheese, seafood, alcohol, Aleve (for more headaches than I can remember), cold meds, caffeine, and the list goes on. So, I don't know why I am going forward with this appointment. Maybe it's the soft, yet urgent ticking of my biological clock. It could be my genetic and biological innate desire to reproduce. Whatever it is, I'm nervous about what the doctor will say. . . . .

     I haven't been reading many other infertility blogs, so I'm not sure how many people are aware of this. Mississippi Personhood Law - it's scary what might happen. Now, let me put out there that I am staunchly pro-life (other than in the case of rape or incest or if the mother's life is in danger), but this is ridiculous! There are so many couples who are blessed to have biological children only because of the technology of IVF. This attempt to outlaw all abortions seems to only be hurting couples already in pain because of infertility. I have not checked to see if this has passed, but I certainly hope it has not! I am sure there are other blogs out there with more eloquent and convicting arguments than I have now, but I did want to share this issue.

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