Friday, January 16, 2015

Almost Free from My Worst Mistake

We had a planning meeting of sorts with Primero’s county case worker on Wednesday. She wasn’t there in person, but she participated over the phone. We got some questions answered in terms of the rules and guidelines for Primero and established that seeing his siblings is ok. Thanks goodness! We also got some answers about where his case is at in the adoption process. Next month they will have a court hearing for his mother to sign TPR (termination of parental rights). By law, they must wait 30 days before proceeding. Then they will set the date for the official adoption, which should be sometime around the month of May. So, hopefully before he finishes 8th grade, Primero will be adopted! It’s very exciting!

In the past we discussed changing his name. He was thinking about changing his first name until he floated the idea past his siblings and they shot that idea down. He has this name he uses for all his social media entities and so he was thinking about making it his first name. Now, he’s thinking about making it his middle name, since this would give us the same initials. For his last name, he wants to hyphenate his name with mine. But, he wants to use my married name and I’m desperate to get rid of it. In fact, I just signed the divorce papers this week, so I’m hoping the divorce will be finalized before Primero gets adopted so I can change my name back to my maiden name. I wouldn’t want him hyphenating my maiden name because it is 13 letters long and that’s insane! I told him to just leave his name as it is (although, we will need to change the spelling since it is spelled wrong on his birth certificate – and the misspelling gives him a totally different name!).  We still have a few months to figure it all out.

I know I glossed over it in the paragraph above, so to reiterate, I signed divorce papers that Flaco brought me. Of course he’s still an @ss and refusing to contribute to any of the debt he left behind. I can’t think about it because it makes my blood boil and I begin plotting all kinds of awful “accidents” to happen to him. I signed the papers because I want it to be over. I don’t want to be tied to him in any way, shape, or form. I don’t want to know anything more about him, I don’t want to see him or hear from him. I want to close that chapter with a resounding bang. And I want to get rid of his name. Primero wants me to keep his name because he likes it better than my maiden name, since it’s Hispanic. But, I just don’t want to hang onto a name that reminds me of such a vile human being. It will be good to finally be free from the worst mistake of my life.

On Tuesday night when we went to training, the adoption coordinator (who happened to be running the meeting) told me the county had requested my family profile for the baby. Apparently his case is moving in the direction of adoption or at least that was the assumption of the adoption coordinator. The last few times they’ve had a visit, the baby spends the whole time wailing. His bio mom and the CHOR case worker supervising the visit seem to look to me to figure out why this might be but all I can think of is that he’s not comfortable because he doesn’t really know his bio mom. This baby is attached to me, it’s easy to see. He will quiet for Primero, but if he’s really sleepy or not feeling good, he wants only me. I know it’s good that he’s able to attach to me because it means he should be able to attach to others in the future, if the adoption falls through. I think that’s the greatest gift I can give him right now, along with a healthy lifestyle, the ability to form a healthy attachment. I hope and pray he and his sister will be my babies forever and I shudder to think of the pain and agony it would be to lose them. So, I just take it one day at a time. Always one more kiss, just in case, one more squeeze, hold him a little longer once he’s fallen asleep.

I had posted last week that when I had seen the bio mom it looked like she was expecting again. Now, when I see her it doesn’t seem that way, so I’m wondering if it wasn’t just the baggy clothing she was wearing and maybe a little water weight? I’m sure she would try to hide it as long as possible because of the county taking the baby I have right from the hospital. I truly hope it was a false rumor and that I was mistaken at what I saw. She would still be early in her pregnancy (just beginning the second trimester, from my calculations), so it’s entirely possible that she’s hiding it right now. Ok, I just need to stop obsessing over it. Her rampant fertility and my barrenness have nothing to do with caring for and adopting these babies I have right now. I guess I still get a little crazy around pregnant women. Crazy or depressed, one or the other. I need to find a way to manage that better because sometimes when I’m at lunch with some co-worker friends and they start on the baby path with the gal who’s expecting, I just want to run screaming from the room. Like when they were talking about baby showers and what food to get or what to register for and how not to get too many gift cards. Gag me with a wooden spoon already! I guess some people just don’t know how damn lucky they are…….

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