Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, Same Drama

My first post of the new year! Happy 2015! Usually I get all sentimental the end of one year, looking back at all that happened and turning a hopeful eye to the coming year. The holidays were such a blur this year! They crept up on me too quickly and then vanished in an instant. And then there was all the drama surrounding Primero and his bio family, the little ones in court, Hermano proposing to his girlfriend….. I’m kinda glad it’s over!

We had a quiet New Years at our place. We were not allowed to have Hermano spend any time with us due to a rule from his foster agency that all kids must be in their resource home for New Year’s Eve. They don’t want kids out partying and causing a ruckus, which I get, but it was still disappointing. Despite his total change in demeanor since bio mom was released from jail, I still care for Hermano and will do what I can to help him get on a better path in life. Right now he is very bitter about being in foster care and his only thought, the entire driving force in his life, is to get back with his bio mom, back into the mess of a life that he had that caused him to be sent to a juvenile detention center and then foster care. It’s hard to not want to shake the daylights out of him until he can see the gift he has been given to turn his life around. He is especially depressed right now because he and his girlfriend/fiancĂ© broke up a few days ago. Their engagement lasted a little over a week. Not that I want to see him hurt, but I’m so glad it’s over.

Things between Primero and I have been improving, but I think it’s easy to get lulled into complacency. Primero is adept at burying issues so deep that even he forgets they still exist. He admitted to me earlier this week that it’s hard for him to let me parent him, it’s hard for him to get out of “survivor mode” (his words) and just “be a kid.” I think that was insightful of him and certainly true. He said even in his previous foster home he was in survival mode because he wasn’t getting along with his foster father. I told him it was important for him to relearn to be a kid because he needs this time to develop more and not be stressed out over taking care of himself. We have not talked about him wanting or not wanting to be adopted since right before New Year’s. I think both our emotions are too raw for us to address that right now. His case worker, who had been out of the office during all these calamities, suggested we think about a few more joint therapy sessions. I started looking for a support group for myself and have thus far only found something too far away (in Philly). But, I did find some help on an adoption website and I’ve made contact with a woman who’s story is eerily similar to mine (except, she’s married, already has an adopted daughter, and her son is a little older than mine). I’m hoping we can be a support to one another.

The Sunday after New Year’s we had a visit with the little one’s grandmother. It was the best visit by far. In the past, the grandmother brought along other siblings to the baby’s mother, and their children as well. So, it was a big rowdy group. This last visit was just one older sister (yes, we finally met one of the older siblings and she was a very nice young lady). We thought it was going to be just the two I have but the older sister showed up and we met her new foster mother (and I ended up taking the sister home – I’m forever involved with this girl!). The grandmother confided in me that she was thinking of adopting the older sister because she is bouncing around so much and she just wants stability for the girl. She point-blank asked me if I would adopt the younger two, should the case get to that point. I said I would and she immediately prayed for that to happen, for me to adopt the little ones. She said she doesn’t worry about them, she feels good knowing where they are and would be happy to have me adopt them. Wow! I always felt like there was a back-and-forth with her, like she did but she didn’t want me to adopt the little ones. I think she saw how loved the baby is by me and by Primero and she knew he would be well taken care of in our home. It was nice to know the grandmother would give her blessing to the adoption and know that I would strive to keep her involved in their lives.

Last night the babies had their first “community” visit with their mom. It was at the library (keeping kids quiet in the library? I’m glad I wasn’t there!). When I went to pick them up the baby was screaming and it was reported that he spent the entire visit screaming and no one could figure out why. He cried the whole way home until I held him and then he calmed down, drank a bottle, and took a 20 minute cat nap. He was even more clingy last night than he usually is, so maybe he was just reacting to being away from home after spending so much time at home recently. I have no idea. He was fine again this morning, although he seems to be developing a cough again.

So, in the midst of all the drama with Primero and Hermano on Christmas and the days following, the little girl started having nightmares. She wakes up screaming first for me and then for Primero if I don’t respond quickly enough. The second night, she gave herself a bloody nose which was a mess to clean up (I think she was picking her nose, since I saw her doing that for a few days following and she had a second minor nose bleed from it). She’s been falling asleep with the overhead light on, which I turn off when I go to sleep. For five nights in a row she woke up screaming and crying and didn’t fall back asleep for over an hour! It was brutal since the baby too woke me up a few times. This week we’ve had a few good nights but at 5 o-clock this morning she was at it again. She has always had a nightlight in her room, she has a little machine that plays music and projects images on the ceiling, nothing has been moved in her room, yet something triggered these nightmares. The therapist came up with the idea of giving her a stuffed bear that she can tell her nightmares to and the bear will make them silly stories instead. She doesn’t buy into it. The second night with the bear she handed it to me and said, “I don’t want this bear.” I asked her why not and she responded, “Because he pees in my bed and makes it smelly.” Um, ok. This morning I gave her a sip of water, tucked her back in and said she should go back to sleep. When I went to wake her at 7 she had a melt-down because she was still tired. I know, tell me about it kid! The baby woke me up at midnight and 4, so I know tired! I’m hoping she will be able to readjust and get back to her regular sleeping habits. She has taken to crying herself to sleep at night and with the light on, she plays until she passes out. It’s less-than ideal but I don’t really know what else to do. It’s odd to say this, but I feel like ever since she started therapy she’s been more unruly and now has these nightmares.  

So, back in October I alluded to a rumor that I didn’t believe, or perhaps didn’t want to believe to be true. I still only half believe it, but I saw what I think is proof last night. In October the grandmother showed me a text from her daughter stating she was expecting again. But she had just had the baby and was making a big deal about having a C-section and she even told her mother that she couldn’t have any more children because she had an emergency hysterectomy. When I reported what I was told to the county they denied the report of a hysterectomy and confirmed that it could be entirely possible. I didn’t notice anything more than a tiny tummy at court, something that one would expect of a woman who has had 9 kids, but last night I saw a noticeable bump. She could have been wearing some spanks under her dress at court, to suck that tummy in, but last night she was in sweats and it was noticeable. She is a thin woman and sometimes, when it’s that time of the month and there’s bloating and water retention, the tiny girls could look like they’ve got a bun in the oven. So, this could still be a false rumor at this point. But, I just could not get my eyes off her abdomen last night. If she is expecting and showing already, this baby could be born before “my” baby is even a year old! That’s total insanity!

When I reported this rumor to the county in October, I was asked to take in the new baby. The case worker stated I would be their preference. Fast-forward to me trying to take in Hermano and I was told my limit is three kids because that is what I am licensed to have at this point. That was not changed when my annual review occurred, at least not to my knowledge. So, I highly doubt CHOR would allow the county to place the new baby with me, despite their preference. I don’t know if a new pregnancy changes things in terms of if/when the children could return home. I don’t even know for sure she’s expecting – although as time goes on that will become more and more obvious. The crazy thing to me is that this is the second mom I’ve worked with to be having a baby while her older children are in foster care. How crazy is that? I mean, I’m not one to want intrusion into our personal lives by any government entity, but I do think I would be all for a requirement for mandatory birth control for parents with children in the system. Let them get things straightened out for their current children before adding any more innocent lives to the mix. To me it shows just how irresponsible these mothers are, to keep having babies with different men while others care for their children because they cannot (or will not). It’s hard not to see a new baby as an attempt to replace the children she lost.        

So there you have it. Apparently 2015 will be just as chaotic and crazy as 2014. Hopefully this year things will be made official for Primero (assuming that this is what he wants) and perhaps the little ones as well. As far as goals go, I’m hoping to get more organized and drop a few pounds – things I resolve to do every year. Maybe I’ll get it right this year…..

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