Thursday, April 16, 2015

Getting Close

Last night Primero went with his after school program to a basketball game in Philly because the step dance team from the local high school (his girlfriend used to be on the team) was performing and they wanted to have a group there to cheer them on. He was supposed to be back around 10-10:30 and his friend was going to have her father bring him home. After the children had a visit yesterday, I picked them up to take them to the farm so I could feed my honey bees. By the time we got back home it was bedtime for Chica Marie and Love Bug was fussing to sleep too. So I got Chica Marie to bed first and then it took a little while to get Love Bug to settle down but he did eventually fall asleep a little before 10. I sat and waited for Primero, thinking at any moment he would be home. By 10:30 I decided I was too tired to wait up and began getting ready for bed, fully expecting him at any moment. I crawled into bed and tried to relax but I was agitated. I held off until 11 pm and then I text him asking him where he was. He responded by saying he was in town but that his friend was pissed off and he would have to walk home and couldn’t talk anymore because his phone was at 1%. I called him. I was angry and told him I was coming to get him. I scooped the babies out of their beds, plopped them in their car seats and sped off into the night to pick up Primero. I was livid. And worried. We got there just before the bus pulled up and Primero apologized when he got in the car. I said, “That’s right you’re sorry” and he said he wasn’t sorry about not contacting me or having me worried about where he was and if he was ok. He was only sorry his friend got in a bad mood and wouldn’t take him home. So, for his crappy attitude and insistence that he did NOTHING wrong, I grounded him. He’s not going to the after school program the rest of this week. He said he didn’t want to go anyway. So, he will also be losing his phone when he gets home tonight. Although, he doesn’t know that. I should have taken it this morning but I was so worried about getting him to his respite home on time (he was taking the PSSA’s this week and he finished them yesterday, so he won’t be going back to the center or having any classes again until next week to give all the other students time to finish their testing.) He wasn’t talking to me this morning. To him, I’m always the bad guy…….

And, as if the above story isn’t enough for one week, I have two black and blue marks on my thigh from Chica Marie kicking me. This was from Tuesday night. I went to pick her up after her visit and she came running outside to me. I ushered her back inside so I could collect their things and wrangle Love Bug into his car seat. As I stepped inside with Chica Marie, her sister and her sister’s case worker went out onto the porch and it seemed like their mom wanted to talk to the two of them. I tried to keep Chica Marie inside and the CHOR case worker opened the door to the little waiting room for me to escort her inside and keep her contained. Chica Marie’s behavior escalated from whining to a full-out temper tantrum in a second. She threw herself onto the floor and began kicking me, thus the bruises from where she hit me with the heel of her shoes. I was holding the baby and trying to tug their things inside so the case worker could close the door. Chica Marie proceeded to kick and scream for approximately 15 minutes. At first I ignored her and any time I tried to talk to her she would scream louder and kick the door and floor harder. Love Bug began fussing, so I scooped him back out of his car seat and sat down to begin reading him a book. Chica Marie screamed, so I read louder with over-emphasized excitement and embellishment and eventually she stopped screaming and came over to see the book. She then climbed on my lap and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. Once she started talking normally, I asked her to put her shoes back on so we could leave. Living with her lately has been challenging. It’s hard to tell what will set off one of these massive tantrums and even harder to stop one once they’ve started. I feel like we are all barely surviving this week! Luckily last night’s visit did not result in the same reaction.

As we were driving to the farm, Chica Marie told me she hated her mother and that she wasn’t going to talk to her anymore. She would only talk to her sister, me, Love Bug, and Primero. When I asked her why she would say such an unkind thing about her mother, she said it was because her mom was mean to her and her sister. Of course, when I won’t let her eat candy for dinner, I am mean, so I’m not sure she has the vocabulary to say what she really wants to say. It did sound like her words were one’s used by her sister and she actually said “we” hate our mom, so I wonder if it’s mostly just her feeding off of her sister’s attitude. I don’t know. I do know it is sad. The other thing she said was that she wanted to go live with her grandmother. Again, I think this is coming from her sister, since the grandmother did try to get the sister to be able to live with her (and that might still be the option on the table as their case moves towards adoption). We haven’t had a visit with the grandmother since the beginning of January, so I really don’t know what her thoughts are on the matter. I’m sure, since she expressed an interest in adopting the older sister, the county would consider her before seeking a non-related family.

I found out Tuesday morning that the little ones’ case has officially been handed off to an adoption case worker at CYS. It just so happens that they were assigned to the same adoption case worker that Primero has – how convenient! We still have several months to go before court in July, so I’m sure that will give the new county case worker and opportunity to get to know their bio mom and get up-to-speed on the case. Since December we have gone from three CHOR case workers and two county case workers, to just one of each. It does make life a little more simple this way!

I have begun planning Love Bug’s first birthday party. I’m going with a pirate theme because he was a pirate for Halloween and because he says “Ayeeee!” a lot. And, because I think it will be super-cute! I tried to involve my mom in the planning and she said, “like he’ll remember anyway.” Sigh. She’s still dealing with a lot concerning her health and the medication she is on (and will be on for the next 5 years) seems to mess with her emotions. When I saw her last night she told me that she just “can’t get close to any of these kids” after “losing two little boys in a row.” I could kick myself for not saying, “Well, you can get as close as you want to Primero, he’s not going anywhere.” Sigh. When I indicated that the little ones’ case is moving towards adoption her response was, “well, you can’t take her too” meaning Chica Marie. I changed the subject and didn’t respond to what she said. I already know her response, “[My name], what will you do with all these kids?” -  like I have 15 kids instead of three. I know my mother is thinking purely from a financial standpoint that I can’t handle three kids. What she doesn’t know is that there is financial help involved. Do I struggle? Yes, thanks to Flaco leaving me high and dry. But, I’m not destitute and I can keep a roof over our heads and food in our tummy’s. I guess I just have to forge ahead and hope my mom can find it in her heart to get close to these children since they will most likely be her only grandchildren……  

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