Wednesday, November 4, 2015

By the Numbers

The county case worker emailed me this morning asking if I knew where things were at in the adoption process for Primero. I responded that the CHOR adoption case worker had been over last week and quoted the end of November as the expected date to be submitting the file to the adoption attorney and waiting for the finalization date. The county case worker responded that she was going to reach out to the CHOR adoption case worker to see if this could be expedited at all so we would not have to attend the next permanency hearing in January. My heart leapt at this news, flaming the hope that his adoption would be finalized before the end of the year. I wrote back that we were both anxious for the adoption to be completed. By his birthday, Primero will have lived with me for 617 days, 14,808 hours. And of that time, 549 days and 13,176 hours have been spent waiting for this adoption. If he is adopted by the end of the year, he will have spent 913 days in the foster care system and 603 days waiting for adoption. If he isn’t adopted by the end of March (which I’m hoping is highly unlikely) he will spend 1,000 days in the foster care system with 758 of those days being in my home. I don’t know why I spent time figuring that all out, other than the fact that numbers speak to people, so there it is. I’m hoping the county case worker can nudge the case to move along a bit faster and that we can finalize his adoption before Christmas. I don’t know if that’s realistic, but that is my hope.

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