Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday Morning Panic

I didn’t think Love Bug had his PLAN group this morning. I was pretty sure they took off the day after Memorial Day. But, at 7:55 am, his van honked outside. I rushed him out the door, stopping on the porch to put on his dirty shoes. As I loaded him into the van, I commented to the driver that I didn’t think they had group today. He shrugged and tucked Love Bug into the seat while answering his question about a friend from daycare who no longer attends the group (she graduated from it). I hurried back inside, out of the rain, to grab my stuff for work and to get Chica Marie to school. I took a moment, in the car, to email that group lead teacher advising her I would be picking Love Bug up because he has a doctor’s appointment. She responded by stating they didn’t have group today. But, I put my child on  van just a few minutes ago! I quickly called the transportation department as the rain lashed my windshield. I didn’t want to be on the phone, but I had to get to work and I also needed to know where Love Bug was going. The woman I talked to responded, “If it’s a silver van, it isn’t ours” and proceeded to look up a phone number to another transportation company with the pace of an arthritic sloth. Finally, she started spurting out a number. I pulled over to write it down, then promptly called the transportation operator. The man nonchalantly informed me the van was enroute. “But to where?” I cried. They couldn’t take Love Bug home, no one was there. Were they going to take him to daycare? How confused and scared was he? Did the driver even explain what had happened? Feeling panicked, I called the daycare director and, after explaining what happened, I asked him to text me when Love Bug arrived at the center. I could hardly concentrate on work until, at 8:48 the director informed me, “Love Bug is here.” And I could breathe again.

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

1 comment:

  1. Can i just say that reading this made my panic! I don't know how you did it but i commend you for getting through your morning without freaking out. GREAT job!
