Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just when you think a bad day can't get any worse . . .

     So earlier today I posted how I tortured myself this morning. I figured this was my only pain for the day, but alas, it was not to be so. This morning Flaco got up and went to play soccer with some friends. He does this several mornings through-out the week and usually he is back by 9:30 or 10:00 am. So, he left at the ungodly hour of 7:30 am and didn't get back until 12:45. After I woke up at the much more respectable hour of 9:00 am, I took the futile test, had breakfast, and took a shower. I was texting my sister about possibly going to play mini golf before we had Easter dinner. I was listening to a CD I made for myself that I titled "Happy Songs" to help my shitty mood. It was working. I was feeling better after my shower. By the time Flaco got home, I was ready to head out to the farm. Now, I must tell you that I told Flaco twice this week that my mother had invited us to dinner at her place. I am telling you this because it was not a surprise to him what I had planned to do today. Anyway, Flaco comes home and asks me where I was going. I explained, patiently, that I was going to the farm and remember my mother invited us over for dinner. He said, "Oh, well Maria's husband invited us over to eat with them." He works with Maria but does not know her husband very well. I must interject here that the reason Flaco was home later than normal is because he took my poor precious kitty, Brisa (this is her real name) to visit with their cat. The poor thing came home traumatized! So, he was at their place and now wanted to go back. This is the same type of fight we have every single holiday. For me, a holiday is time to spend with family, especially the more traditional ones like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Other holidays we can do whatever. And I have tried to explain to Flaco that is hurts my feelings when he doesn't want to spend time with me. And sometimes, even if we go to visit my family, he only wants to stay for like .2 seconds and then peace out. I don't know if it would be different if we could be with his family on holidays, if they lived closer than 2 three hour plane rides away. But, regardless, I am sick of having this same dam fight.
     So, maybe I am a terrible wife, but if I am then so be it. Is it so bad to want to spend time with my husband? I mean we never do anything together. My sister and her boyfriend are going camping and white water rafting. They are going to spend Memorial Day weekend at the beach. They visit his family and my family together. Flaco and I have never gone camping, or white water rafting, or spent the night at the beach or any of the other things that I think "normal" couples do. I lost count of how many weddings I have gone to alone because Flaco is always working. So, today he decided to chose his friends over me. I realize that you are only getting my side of the story, but I really don't care. Flaco made a crappy day just down right miserable. I want to be with my husband. To feel like a couple, not a fifth wheel (which is how I felt since everyone else was paired up; Mom and Dad, sister and boyfriend, brother and girlfriend, then stupid lonely me). I don't even know if this rambling post is making sense anymore. I am just so thoroughly disgusted. I feel like I am not remotely important to my husband. I am sick to death of the fights every dam holiday. Is it so bad to want to spend one full, entire day with my own husband? I feel rightly justified in my anger. I don't even want to be in the same house with him, I am that angry. How do we fix this? I mean, if he doesn't want to be with me, then that is it. I don't want to be with someone who can't even stand to be in my presence unless he's getting his rocks off. I don't know what to do. I feel like complete and utter shit; physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm not sure if there could be anything to make this day worse.

1 comment:

  1. I knew I was going to end up putting my foot in my mouth after the last comment. Again...I am so sorry that Flaco is being a pain in the A$$. You are justified in how you feel and it sounds like he isn't listening to what you need. The Prince isn't always great about making concessions, and giving me what I want, but he will at least hear me out and try to come up with a "compromise." I wish I could hand out some advice that would solve things, but I have none to offer. All I can say is that each relationship is different and I hate hearing that yours has been so hard on you lately. You deserve to be happy.
