Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pizza at the Farm

Yesterday my mom went home from rehab. My dad had mentioned to me over the weekend that, barring any sudden issues, she would most likely be released to go home after seeing the doctor on Monday. She had learned how to navigate without putting weight on her damaged leg and managed to be independent in her living quarters, so she proved she could go home. After work yesterday afternoon, I grabbed a pizza, the kiddos, a change of clothes and raced up to the farm. After we ate the pizza and I cleaned up that mess (because babies – toddlers, I need to call Love Bug a toddler! – don’t care if making a mess makes more work for you!), I helped my dad raise the recliner love seat so my mom could get out of her seat more easily and then helped him take the bathroom door off the hinges so she could maneuver the wheelchair and walker into the bathroom without assistance. I cleaned up as much as I could with Love Bug strapped to my hip. I don’t know what his problem was, but he was uber clingy last night and howled anytime I put him down. I’m not sure if he was tired and cranky from missing some of his nap to see the dentist or if he was just irritated that his schedule was thrown off. Primero was not along because he was at the CFA so I had no one to wrangle the baby. My parents dog (a HUGE yellow lab) tried to calm the baby but his massive presence only made Love Bug more anxious to be held. I made plans to go back to the farm on Thursday after work to prepare dinner, since my dad will be at the market until later in the day. My mom seems to be easily overwhelmed by her limitations right now, so we are trying to get her to take things day by day. I’m sure I would be just as anxious about things if I were in her position. It isn’t easy but at least it isn’t permanent. She will eventually be able to use her foot again, once the cast is off.


Yesterday I spoke with Hermano for a little bit via text. He said he’s been working a lot to try to save money for when he is not in care and when the baby comes. He has been able to attend a few appointments with his girlfriend but he indicated there was one yesterday he wasn’t able to attend (I wonder why she has had so many appointments this early in her pregnancy – is this normal I wonder?). He wanted to come over and see us soon and I said that would be fine. He said they do plan to learn the sex of their baby, a question Primero didn’t know the answer to when I asked him. He also indicated everyone is healthy thus far – at least I think he did. It’s sometimes hard to understand what Hermano writes in a text or which of the 100 questions I’ve asked he is answering. I ask a lot of questions – too many by some people’s standards. But, questions are how I learn and questions are how I show I care. If I don’t ask questions about something you are telling me, chances are I’m not listening…. Call it a personality flaw. Anyway, I’m not sure if or when we will see Hermano but it was nice to talk with him briefly.


The days have been so warm this week, it’s hard to believe it is only the beginning of March. I doubt the warm weather can last too long, but it is beginning to give me Spring Fever and I’ve begun thinking about what to do with my flower gardens this year. Last year they were abysmal and became nothing more than a weed infestation. I want for them to be different this year, but we shall see. I lose a lot of my motivation when the days are steaming hot and the house is cooled by the AC. I think I need to plant more things so there is less room for weeds to grow. That, and I need mulch. I love Spring for all the project ideas it brings to my mind! And, the yard sales will be starting soon, so I can generally find the things I want for my project ideas. Yippee!

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