Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Here We Go Again

Chica Marie is suspended from school again. She walked out of the cafeteria without permission then laughed when she was caught and said the man monitoring the cafeteria wasn’t her teacher and she didn’t have to listen to him. She exposed herself to her entire classroom by lifting her skirt to “fix” her tights. She so infrequently wears skirts or dresses but we bought these pink tights with black cat faces on them and she has been dying to wear them. I tried some of the attachment/gentle parenting techniques last night with her, foolishly thinking it might help her to have a better day at school today. It didn’t. I’m mad at myself for letting her wear the tights. I feel like I set her up for failure.


I have tried expressing just how bad things are to our CHOR case worker, but she seems to think a new TSS worker and mobile therapist is the answer. I keep trying to use trigger words, like crisis, intensive therapy needed, we need help more than what we are being offered. The county case worker came roaring to life after I included her in an email regarding the latest suspension. She thinks the school isn’t doing enough to accommodate Chica Marie. I just want to go take a nap for a few days, I am so tired and so drained from all of this.

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