Saturday, February 9, 2013

Discover the Dinosaurs

I can't believe the kids have been with for nearly a month now. I guess time is just flying by! Today we went to see Discover the Dinosaurs which had large robotic dinosaurs, figurines, a place to "dig" up bones, and other child-friendly activities. It was a lot of fun! And a friend from work went along with her daughter, so I had help wrangling the older child. The baby clung to me most of the time and only after we were away from the large dinosaurs did he feel comfortable enough to run around and play. I would say he's a momma's boy, but I'm not his momma - at least not his permanent momma.....

Last night the older child was sent to bed early because she was misbehaving. This gave me and the baby some quality alone time together, which we have never really had. He reminds me so much of my first foster care child that it nearly breaks me heart. And being that I had that baby this same time last year, well it is sometimes a little tough on the heart strings...... While I was giving the baby his bath and watching him splash and play alone in the tub, I couldn't help but think of his future. Unlike other foster care placements I have had, I knew when I took these kids in roughly how long I would have them (although, this has changed). So I knew, going into it, that I could not get attached, that this was only a temporary situation and that before I knew it they would be whisked away to their mother's place and my home would be empty again. So, I concentrated on the here and now with them. Only, when I was watching the baby giggle and smile in the tub, I couldn't help but wonder at what kind of little boy he would be like or if he would still have such a beautiful smile as a sullen teenager. And it made me sad. I get to hold babies and children for a brief moment in time and never get to see the final outcome. I don't get to know how they turn out or what becomes of them 5, 10, 15 years from now. When the baby reaches for me, it melts my heart. He feels safe with me, he knows I will be there to take care of him. Being bounced around as they have, I wonder if he's felt that way often in his short time on earth?

 The older child had a break-through in potty training today. She managed to wear her big girl panties almost the entire day without having an accident. Despite my reservations, she insisted on wearing her big girl panties to the dinosaur exhibit. And she did a fantastic job! No accident at all! She did have an accident when we got home, but did great the rest of the night. This is huge because although we've been trying ever since she moved in with me to kick the pull up habit, it has been a dismal failure. Today, it seemed totally plausible! So, I'm not sure if we will try our luck tomorrow and wear the big girl panties to church. I do want her to be potty trained because she is definitely old enough to not need to be wearing pull ups. So, I guess we shall see!

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