Friday, March 4, 2016

Changing of the Guard - Again!

Another one bites the dust! Our new case worker, the one we just met the day Primero was adopted, has found a new job and her last day with CHOR is today. Sigh. So, we are once again getting a new case worker. Our third since our beloved case worker moved to Florida the end of July. Fortunately, I am able to manage with less case worker support than I needed in the past. I don’t feel as alienated as I had with the case worker during placement Four, but I do feel rather put out. It takes a long time to get used to a new case worker, to really be able to trust and talk to them and not have it feel like a business transaction. And that’s just me! It isn't easy for the kids to get used to someone new either. Luckily, little Love Bug has no clue he’s move onto his fifth case worker, but Chica Marie remembers her previous workers and often times calls the new worker by their names. She’s also on her fifth case worker. So much for stability within the system itself! I know this case worker wanted to do a good job, she was very earnest, but every time we change hands a little something gets lost. And, quite frankly, it gets old having to re-explain us and the kids and our situation and what’s going on with the kids. We are in the midst of things with Chica Marie and now it will be totally up to me to be sure everything is covered. I suppose, in some respect, it’s simply preparation for adoption, when everything will be up to me anyway. But, that isn’t happening anytime soon, at least not according to the email I received from the county case worker last week. So, until then, I will just have to keep repeating things to different case workers and hope I don’t leave anything out!

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