Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dental Pro

At work this morning I reached into the back of my shirt because I felt something tickling me between the shoulder blades. When I pulled my hand down with the offending culprit I discovered it was one of Esperanza’s bright red hairs (before we died her hair deep brown, her natural color). For a minute I stared sadly at the hair, finally feeling the loss from all that has happened. As I watched the hair fall from my finger into the trash can I sighed and tried to mentally switch gears. I needed something to distract me, so I began thinking of the dental appointment with the little ones this afternoon.


Friday morning Love Bug has a brief WIC appointment. While we were there, Chica Marie got in trouble for being rude to another (younger) boy and in the midst of that correction, she pushed her brother to the ground. So, as I was admonishing her for being a bully to the younger kids, Love Bug was spinning himself in circles behind me. And then he fell. I saw his mouth hit the floor and raced to him, but the damage was done. He chipped his front tooth. Both Primero and I tried to determine if it was bad enough to seek immediate dental care, but it seemed no nerves were affected by the chip. Still, I called the dentist. I had already made an appointment for him as recommended by his pediatrician because he sucks his left pointer finger incessantly and there’s fear he is messing up his teeth and soft pallet. So, when I called Friday they recommended I just keep the appointment or take Love Bug to the ER if he seemed to be in pain. This afternoon the dentist declared no nerve appears to be exposed and so they won’t really do anything for his chipped tooth but monitor it to be sure he doesn’t get an abscessed tooth. Yikes! The dentist will also order a finger guard to help stop him from sucking that finger. Apparently, insurance doesn’t cover it, but she said it wouldn’t be expensive. We go back in 6 months.


Generally, I dread going to the dentist with Chica Marie. She is uncooperative (because she’s a kid) and scared and so it’s just not a good combo. While we did run into issues with the kids waiting (Love Bug ran off through the office with Chica Marie in hot pursuit), Chica Marie was exemplary as a patient this afternoon. She stood patiently while the dental hygienist took her x-rays and she opened her mouth nice and wide while her teeth were being cleaned. She was excited to get her new toothbrush and sticker and happily skipped out of the office like it ain’t no thang. Oh, I am so glad she can handle the dentist now! Whew! Of course, Love Bug was not nearly so cooperative. Toddlers! Sheesh! (that was a joke, in case it doesn’t come across that way…..)


My mom came home from the rehab today. My dad said she might be moved when I saw him over the weekend, but he didn’t confirm this with me as I had asked him to. So I text both of them from work. They replied about the same time. My dad said, “We are home. J” my mom said, “I’m home and the house is a mess! L.” So I told them I’m getting a pizza and coming over for dinner so I can straighten up for my mom and hopefully keep her resting and not cleaning – haha! Still, I do hope it helps her some. I have no idea when she plans to return to work. She still has to wear her cast for at least 4 more weeks. It might be a long 4 weeks!

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