Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Kindergarten Registration

This morning I officially signed Love Bug up to attend kindergarten in the fall. We arrived early, so we were the first ones there. I thought they were going to evaluate Love Bug, we had an appointment for them to do so, but they said his Early Intervention therapist had already started the evaluation which they would submit to the school. I don’t know when that will be done but I know they will contact me to set up an IEP/transitional meeting before school starts. It would be really great to have the evaluation before then, but I’m not sure if I will get a copy of it. I am concerned because Love Bug’s diagnosis does not seem very clear-cut to me and, if his mobile therapist is having doubts about ASD, well where does that leave us? Would it be better for Love Bug to be placed in a classroom with support for children on the spectrum or would it be better for Love Bug to not get that diagnosis and instead we explore medication options for the ADHD? We have an appointment set up with the psychiatrist who oversees the mobile therapist and TSS worker. I am hoping he can shed some light on things for me. But, even if he does disagree with the early interventionist and the evaluating staff, will the school district even consider his opinion? The EI unit has a connection to the school district that the mental health group does not have. I think, mostly, I just want all the evaluating to be done so we can work on helping Love Bug.


I took Love Bug to daycare after kindergarten registration. He had been patient, watching a show on my phone. But, at daycare his routine was off and he couldn’t cope. The older kids in his class were practicing for graduation (I’m going to cry) and he didn’t want to join them. As I was trying to convince him to go upstairs to his friends, they all came marching downstairs into his classroom. I thought this would help him, but he started getting upset that there wasn’t any food for him. I had fed him breakfast at home, but his morning routine at daycare was to have breakfast when he got there. His teacher gave him some crackers and water. He seemed to calm down as I left him with his teacher and TSS worker. But, it heightened my worries about him starting school and struggling with such a long day of learning and following the rules with little time for breaks. I suppose, at the end of the day, it will all work out and worrying won’t really change anything. I will just advocate for what I believe Love Bug needs and challenge him to rise to the occasion, like I believe he can.

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