Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Feeling Reckless


I am 99% sure it was a ruse to stay home, but last Wednesday Primero did not go to school because he feared an imminent school shooting. The Tuesday evening prior, another student, one Primero explained as “messy” sent a message to a group of other students asking them to keep an eye on him because he was “feeling reckless.” According to Primero, this young man has anger issues and his ex-girlfriend is escorted to class by security for her safety. Why this young man is allowed to continue attending school if he is threatening another student is beyond me. I don’t know how Primero made the leap from “feeling reckless” to school shooting, but he flat-out refused to attend school on Wednesday. I urged him, if he truly thought this young man was a threat to the school, to contact the authorities and prevent any harm to himself and his fellow students. Again, I believe this was a ploy to stay home and not a real potentially scary situation, but it made me angry that Primero would use such an emotionally charged  thing to avoid school. With something like 154 mass shootings in the US last year (this is a fact I heard at an anti-bullying event I recently attended), it simply isn’t something to joke about. Primero has refused to engage in any further discussion about it and insists he was protecting himself by staying home.

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