Monday, October 28, 2019

Our Zany Family

If you wanted to understand our family in a nutshell, I present to you two things that happened in the same week a few weeks ago that I feel really describe us. The first happening occurred while Primero was watching the kids and I was at my Women’s Empowerment group. He text me and I got the message after the group. When I got home he told me the whole story. He had been changing the screen doors to the glass doors for winter (I had actually asked him to fix the screens, since I had bought the replacements kits, but whatever) and went into the basement for a moment. When he came back upstairs Love Bug gleeful told him he was watching a movie. Primero checked the TV and discovered Love Bug bough the new Aladdin movie. I showed Love Bug one time how to use the remote and he has been controlling the TV and cable box ever since. I wasn’t too happy he bought the movie, but at least it was something I had wanted to watch.

The second event happened a few days later. We had just gotten home from work/school and Chica Marie opened the closed door to her bedroom to change into clothing for cheerleading practice. She came running back out exclaiming, “Mommy! Melodie (one of our cats) is eating bacon in Love Bug’s bed!” Huh? One, how did the cat get into the room if the door was closed. Two, where did the cat find bacon and not just bacon, but cooked bacon? I mean, I get why she was eating it in bed, she was just living the dream. I rolled my eyes and went to clean up the mess, thinking, “sure this fits.” It’s the wacky stuff like this that seems to define our zany little family.

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love this post. Some of the most bizarre things come out of my mouth since having kids. And yeah, al my kids work the TV and electronics way better than I can. I finally figured out how to block purchases and such on our TV and phones because it’s dangerous! Lol
    So where did the bacon come from??
