Friday, January 27, 2012

Dinner Out

This morning I had to go to work for a stupid sexual harassment webinar - not fun. Afterwards, I picked up the baby and we went to the post office to mail some packages. The baby was eating Cheerios and spilling them all over the floor. I tried to manage the spillage by picking them up and throwing them away. The baby helped but there were still a lot of Cheerios on the floor. I felt bad because I don't want to be one of "those" moms who's child leaves chaos and insanity in their wake while mom just moves on obviously. Anyway, we got home and I made the baby a toasted cheese sandwich and cooked carrots. He ate almost all of the sandwich but would not touch the carrots. Eh, I tried! We played for a little while and I could tell he was getting tired, but he was fighting sleep. Flaco came home because he bought some random wooden flooring from a friend and the friend was dropping it off. The baby was happy to see him. Flaco got him to take a nap. I napped with the baby for a few minutes until Flaco woke me up to talk about something.

After the baby woke up from his nap I gave him some apple juice - the last in the house, in fact - not two seconds later it was spilled all over the floor (apparently I did not close it correctly). The baby was not impressed when I told him there was no more. He was even less impressed when I told him there were no more cookies (animal crackers). I had no choice, we had to go to the grocery store. I called my mom to go with us and we headed out. We did a quick shopping trip which was going fine until we got to the check out line - of course we got a trainee who was more concerned in how she turned on the conveyor belt than the fact that a two year old was lunging out of the car attached to the front of the shopping cart (do you have any idea how hard those things are to drive?!? Sheesh!). Anyway, my dad showed up in the nick of time (my mom and I went to the grocery store right next to where my dad has a stand at a small local farmers market). The baby is not so sure of my mom, but he likes my dad (I think he is more trusting of men because his primary caretaker was a man). We decided to go out to eat to a local Italian restaurant. This was the first time I would be taking a two year old out to dinner. This is a restaurant where you have to be a member to get in. My mom is a member, I am not (even though it is only about 3 blocks from my house). I got in the door and told the gatekeeper the woman at the desk was my mom. She had her back to me. Holding a squirming two year old in a big fluffy winter coat while balancing a purse and diaper bag and making sure the two year old is not banging his sippy cup into other people in a jam-packed room. Anyway, my mother did not see me and went back outside to wait for me. I took the baby and sat down then called my mom to come inside because the baby was starting to get antsy and throw himself to the ground. He does not wait very patiently and I forgot to bring along a toy to distract him - rookie mistake. Anyway, he ate the entire box of animal crackers I had just bought him while we waited. He was happier once we got seated. My dad buttered some bread for him and we got a few slices of Sicilian pizza before the meals came out. The baby loved the butter bread and pizza. I ordered him chicken fingers and he ate almost an entire, rather large piece. My parents had fun getting to know him a little better. He had my mom laughing to the point she was in tears because of how he played with the spaghetti noodles I gave him. All-in-all it was a good outing. Once we got home, I gave the baby a bath and put him to bed. I tried something different tonight. I put him in bed and then read to him until he fell asleep. It worked but about 15 minutes ago he came tearing out of his room into the living room to me. I took him back to bed and he fell back to sleep right away. I think he just wanted to make sure I was still here.

So, a few random notes. At work today I had some very nice gifts from the people I work with. And when I got home another gift was waiting, having been sent through the mail. More books! The ones I read to the baby tonight to put him to sleep. From work, I got a box of disposable diapers. In the mail, I got cloth reusable diapers. Right now I have been using disposable diapers for the baby, since that was the easiest thing to get for him. But, I would like to switch him to cloth diapers. However, I am a little overwhelmed by the idea and feel like I have no earthly clue what I am doing. I guess I will figure it out . . . .

Other random note - I love dressing the baby! I love picking out his little outfits and it makes me so happy to see how freaking cute he is in the outfits I create for him! He has this cute blue and black checked jacket with big toggle buttons and a fluffy fleece hood and he looks like a little doll in it! I can't wait for church on Sunday because he has the cutest little black dress shoes to wear - and a sweater vest! I love a baby in a sweater vest!!

So, I will have this weekend with the baby and then Monday it will be back to my normal work schedule. It will be hard to go to work for an entire day! But, Monday and Tuesday the baby will be with Flaco - it will give them time to develop a bond, since the baby has been with me a lot more than Flaco. I am anxious to see how Flaco manages with a toddler in the home all by himself! I am sure they will be fine!

On another note, I finally got my period yesterday (it was quite late). I called Patsy at Hershey Med to start the process to be in the infertility study. Flaco still wants to go forward with it - and hey, everyone keeps telling me I will get pregnant now that we have a baby in the home, so why not? We have a four hour initial screening appointment on 2/14 - Valentine's Day! Nothing more romantic than infertility testing! You know I was worried about putting this information "out there" on my blog because I thought people might think we are not serious about adoption or something. Anyway, I decided it is something we want to do because no matter what eventually happens with the baby or any other child placed with us, we know we would really like to have more than one child, so I guess we will go at it from both sides. This might not make sense to other people, but it is our decision to make and this is the road we are taking. For tonight, I just hope the baby stays in bed so we can get some sleep!

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