Monday, January 23, 2012


So, the little boy I wrote about last week will be staying with us after all. Chantel from CHOR called this morning, asking if we would take him in, as respite (which is kind of like foster baby-sitting) since the county decided they want this boy removed from the foster home. Heather (the social worker who I initially spoke to regarding the two little girls a few weeks ago) called to say that Consuelo recommended our family because we have a lot of structure in our family (whatever that means, it's just me and Flaco). We are meeting with the county tomorrow because they want to interview us before placing the baby in our home. The meeting is at the court house at 1 pm. After that we will plan on when he will come to us, but the county is hoping to have him placed (re-placed?) by tomorrow. Flaco is not gung-ho about this placement for two main reasons. 1) He is worried about the baby only being for us a short time and this making me feel worse when he is gone. 2) He is not sure because of the color of this baby - which makes me mad and crazy, but it is what it is. Flaco wants a child that will look like us, no matter how ludicrous this is considering we are adopting! So, we are going to give it a try and I did tell both Chantel and Heather that we are not agreeing to adoption right now, but we will give it a try. I am hoping that this sweet little boy will melt Flaco's heart and that with our love and structure, he will be able to overcome some of the behavioral issues he has. We are diving in head first here and taking a risk on accepting, mostly because we have reservations. I guess I just feel the need to have a baby in our home right now, even if it is temporary and I will suffer afterwards. Perhaps this is stupid. I want what is best for this precious boy, but right now I am not even sure what that is. I know we will take good care of him and love him while he is here - even given Flaco's misgivings, I know he will care for the baby. And maybe that is all we are supposed to do right now. As always, I will up-date on this situation tomorrow, after more information is available. And, I am grateful for all the support from my friends in this endeavor!

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