Thursday, January 19, 2012

Here We Go Again!

We got another call today for a placement. He is a 2 year old little boy. His parent’s parental rights have been terminated and he has been in foster care since he was 6 months old. His current foster parents were supposed to have a court hearing in March to begin finalization. But, they were not doing all they were instructed to do for this little boy. So, technically they are only using us for respite to see if the foster family can rectify the issues. But, they want the baby to be in a home that is looking to adopt. I will say that Flaco and I have some reservations about this placement, but for different reasons. Flaco is concerned because the baby might be moreno and that this is potentially only a temporary placement. I am worried because he has some behavioral issues and is getting special in-home instruction to speak and learn to control his temper (he apparently bangs his head into the wall when he gets very upset). But, he is making good progress. He was initially put in foster care because his parents were very young and both using drugs and alcohol. So, I worry about the ramifications if drugs or alcohol were used while he was in the womb. Regardless of our reservations, we said yes, we will take him in. And we are waiting again for a confirmation call letting us know what our next move is. I am not all a-fluster like I was last week with the two little girls. My mind is not racing, my imagination is not running wild, I am calm and collected. I think because I don’t believe we will get this placement – the old feelings of thinking it won’t happen to spare myself the pain when it doesn’t are creeping in. I just keep telling myself that God has a plan for us, even if I have no idea what that might be. God’s plan is perfect! If anything happens later on tonight, I will certainly up-date!

***** The only up-date is that the social worker never called back. She is a distant relative to my  friend Sara, who texted her and then told me she was with clients tonight, so most likely she will call me back tomorrow. I am frustrated because I have things planned and I am not cancelling them for a possiblity. So, we shall see what happens tomorrow!

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