Thursday, January 12, 2012

Unanswered Prayers

     To pick up the story from the previous post (We said YES). I drove an hour (half an hour there, half an hour back) to pick up a crib that did not fit in my car (there is a whole crib saga about how my dad was supposed to pick it up sooo many times and tonight he brought a car smaller than mine, rather than his truck). I have a mattress. In case they call. And my friend gave me some diapers - to tied us over the night. But right now it is after 10 at night. I'm thinking they (whoever they are) are not going to call and they are not going to be dropping the girls off at our house. Hopefully, we will find out tomorrow what has happened or what will happen. I am exhausted; emotionally and physically. Flaco is sure they will call us tomorrow for the girls to come to our place. I guess we will see. For now, I am going to take a much needed shower and try to sleep. I pray that these sweet girls are being cherished and treasured, wherever they are. . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. I hope your prayers are answered today. And in the meantime, know that you are treasured and cherished and loved too as you deal with this emotional rollercoaster.
