Monday, September 22, 2014

Life is Busy (From September 16, 2014)

Life is busy right now. With three children in the house it’s almost a guarantee on any given day I will need to be attending to someone’s need for a medical appointment, case worker visit, or school/daycare issue. Right now I am working on getting Primero fully enrolled in cyber school while simultaneously trying to get the little girl caught up on her vaccinations. Since there is no record for her, we are starting from scratch – that’s roughly 24 shots over the course of the next 6 months, give or take. And since the county did not approve my request to change health  care providers, it means a lot of wasted time explaining and re-explaining myself to an inept and inadequate clinic. I feel like I need a drink, a booster Hepatitis shot, and a long hot shower every time I leave that place. But, it is important to get the child caught up on her immunizations, so I suck it up, put on my big girl panties and just do it.
The baby is getting big, he’s up to 10 pounds now and eating like a champ. His two month checkup and the start of his immunizations had to be postponed due to training I had for work conflicting with the pre-established appointment date. When I called to change the appointment I was flabbergasted and more than a little irritated when they told me he couldn’t be seen until November. They called back and gave him an appointment the beginning of October, which was still a month later than the initial appointment. Sheesh! No wonder people eschew their PCP for the ER and urgent care facilities. It’s a nightmare dealing with these places!
So, a few weeks ago when Primero’s adoption case worker was over, Primero asked her how soon the adoption could take place. The case worker explained the process and said the first thing that needed to happen was to terminate parental rights for his biological father and mother. She talked about the county and CHOR not being able to reach his father and therefore they would need to put an ad in the paper as a final attempt to reach him before terminating his rights. They were hopeful that his mother would just sign over her rights and avoid the whole process of the court removing her rights. Primero seemed to think she would do this, but I’m not so sure. It’s one thing if the court “takes” her rights from her – she could still play the victim card. But, if she voluntarily signs them over, it’s like giving him up. I don’t get the sense that she would be willing to do that, but I could be wrong. In any event, once both parents rights are terminated the court will set a date for his adoption and that will be the end – and also the beginning……
I expressed my concerns to Primero’s case worker about the county all of a sudden dredging up the past. I flat out told her I was paranoid and worried. She said it would be irresponsible of the county to revoke the adoption plan at this point, but they said I would need to be divorced in order to proceed. So, I did a little digging online and it seems I could get a quickie divorce, assuming I could shell out $400 to make it all happen. I’m working on it and I hope I can make it happen as quickly as I can so as not to delay the adoption. I know I’m under the microscope of the county and so I am trying to be sure I am following every little rule to the T. This is why I am not making more of a ruckus regarding the horrendous clinic where I take the little girl. The great and powerful county has spoken, so I shall acquiesces to their decision, no matter how abhorrent and subpar I find the clinic to be……   

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