Friday, September 12, 2014

Out of My Gourd (From July 28, 2014)

I am most assuredly out of my gourd. I had told CHOR that if the county did not find a more suitable home for the baby’s older sister she could come stay with me. It seemed like the county was going to follow the foster mom and case worker’s advice to put her in a home where she is an only child. Apparently not. So, now I have to scramble to finish the basement project because we need another room in the house! And I still haven’t decided if me or Primero are moving to the basement. I’m very on the fence about for a few reasons. The reason I wouldn’t want Primero in the basement is because I would worry that he will spend all night on his phone talking to random people he doesn’t know. In other words, being a teenager. Ugh! The reason I don’t want to go to the basement is because I worry about being cut-off from the little girl, since her room would be upstairs and I would not. The baby would move with me because he sleeps in my room. The reason I want to go the basement is the same reason Primero wants to go down there too – space. It would be the biggest room in the house and have a very ample closet, especially compared to the pathetic space available in the upstairs bedrooms. And, despite being a basement room, it gets plenty of sunshine thanks to a rather large window that gets the afternoon sun. Well, we might just have to flip a coin for it! So while CHOR was hoping to move the little girl in with me today, I asked for the rest of this week to finish the project, since I hadn’t heard anything in the past two weeks that she was coming. My house, which was void of children the beginning of this year, is now full to the brim – just the way I like it! J

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