Monday, February 29, 2016

Accidents and Threats

Last Friday things went from bad to worse. Things with Esperanza really went haywire to the point she was threatening me. Sadly, Primero, while claiming to not take sides, acted out cruelly as well, damaging our relationship. The dysfunction of their childhood and their family system came out in full force and I took the brunt of their distain. Esperanza lashed out and sadly, Primero reacted poorly as well. The only kernel of positivity was that it united me and their Aunt W and Uncle G. I reached out to the aunt and uncle because I worried Primero was selling them a load of bull about me and what was happening in our home. I was correct. He told them I told him I didn’t want him anymore and he should go live with his uncle. What I really said, in hopes of sparking a conversation with him since all he was saying was “I’m not gonna answer that question” was “Do you think you would be happier living with your uncle?” This was during the course of a one-sided conversation related to the threat made by Esperanza. Primero was like I had never seen him before. He wasn’t just defiant and rude, he was cold and cruel too. While I tried to talk to him, the only thing he conceded was that I was being vengeful because I (unknowingly) outted Esperanza and her friend in a lie. It is so hurtful to think that to Primero I am still not family. And it’s even more painful to realize that he would drop me like old news, no matter how wrong his biological family member might be. It makes me fear that he won’t ever be able to fully accept me as his family, not ever. But, I do have the support of his aunt and uncle. I had a rather lengthy conversation with his aunt on Friday and she let me know that both her and her husband (who is Primero’s mother’s older brother) support me 100%. They recognize how different Primero is, how much he has changed for the better, and they credit me with that improvement ( really, it was Primero who did all the work, I just supplied the stability and unconditional love to allow him this growth). We talked about Esperanza and how sad it is to see her making poor choices and seemingly following in the footsteps of her mother. Both his aunt and his uncle spoke with Primero about some of these things and I am grateful for their help. I am also grateful for their support and acknowledgement of my relationship with their nephew. I am beginning to feel more like a member of their family than I ever have before. This is how open adoption is intended to work, I think. To collaborate and come together in the best interest of the children. It’s taken a crisis for us to get on this same page but I think we are all glad we are here now. I do worry that Primero is trying to ostracize me by spending a lot more time with his uncle than ever before, but I hope eventually he will emotionally return. I have to remind myself about 1,000 times a day these kids are kids who have experienced life-altering trauma and therefore I must adjust my expectations to a different level, not one I’m accustomed to. I had a nice long talk with Mr J’s girlfriend over the weekend and I was glad she was willing to hear my side of the story. A part of me worried that the way things happened with Esperanza might have alienated me from the rest of the family. I’m glad I was wrong about that. In speaking with Mr J’s girlfriend I learned a few things about her and offered some solutions to the problems she is having. I hope she will take me up on the offer because it will improve things for her.


Friday morning, as I was reeling from the threats and accusations from Esperanza, I got a text from my dad, “Hey your mom just broke her leg.” I thought perhaps it was a typo or something. I had text my mom the night before asking her to go with me to Primero’s performance on Saturday so I thought maybe he was responding for her in some way. I called him. He answered but couldn’t talk because the ambulance was there to take my mom to the hospital. Good Lord! He promised to call me later to let me know what was going on. I had visions of a catastrophic compound femur fracture or some other gruesome break. I had no idea how she could have fallen, there was no ice around to fall on. When I finally spoke to him, my fears were slightly alleviated. She did not break her femur and there was no compound fracture, but that is where the good news ended. She fell part way down the steps in their house and managed to pull her ankle joint apart and break the bone on both sides of it. She had to slide the rest of the way down the stairs and crawl to the kitchen, pull herself up on a chair to reach the land line to call my dad. Being the nice guy that he is, he takes her purse to the car and starts it for her during the chilly winter months so she gets into a nice warm car. She keeps her cell phone in her purse, so it’s lucky they still have a land line she could use to reach someone. She had surgery Friday afternoon to repair the damage by putting in a plate and screws. Today they are deciding if she can go home or if she should go to rehab. Everyone except my mom is hoping she goes to rehab to help her learn how to get around without putting any weight on her left foot for the next 6 weeks. She is still in a great deal of pain but the pain meds make her feel sick. I went to see her on Saturday and she was gray from having O.T. I took her chapstick, which she said she needed. With the little ones I couldn’t visit for long, but it was still good to see her. I have to work on getting some pre-made meals in her freezer for her when she does come home. I also want to clean so she doesn’t have to. With the stress going on in my life it will make it hard but there isn’t anyone else. My sister lives too far away and my brother is an alien jerk who won’t do anything to help anyone. So, it falls to me. I just hope I’m able to keep up with all of this……

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