Friday, June 7, 2019

Failing to Bring Two Families Together

Primero’s graduation went mostly without any issues. I managed to save really good seats just a few rows behind him for me and my family. I tried to save the whole row for the rest of his family, but it was not possible. There were a lot of people trying to get good seats and I couldn’t defend an entire row. I did see his mom, older brother, and his brother’s girlfriend walking in. I greeted them and they were content to stay near the back because the girlfriend is expecting and needs to use the restroom repeatedly. I didn’t see his aunt and uncle come in, but I did see his other aunt and she also stayed near the back of the auditorium. I had no cell reception, so I took a gamble and walked to the doors, leaving my seats to the watchful eye of a trusted school security guard. Luckily, I found my sister and brother-in-law walking in and I was able to give them their tickets and show them to their seats. My sister and I then went back to wait for my mom. My dad was late and didn’t sit down until after the graduate procession. I was emotional during the very rambunctious ceremony. Honestly, the audience was wild and so loud I could not hear the names being announced when the kids received their diplomas. The speak was good and much of the ceremony was in English and Spanish.

Once the ceremony was over, everyone was ushered outside for pictures and whatnot. It was chaos and I lost my family because I had to use the bathroom first. But, once I found them, we were able to take pictures and begin talking about dinner. I had text Primero that we could try to do a group dinner and he said he would like that. I invited my parents and my sister and he spoke with his family. I’m not sure how or why, but his aunt and uncle declared he should “just go with them” meaning my family and they refused to participate. This somehow translated to his mom into an Us vs. Them situation and she also refused to go along. Primero stated he was angry and then his mom got worked up and declared he was treating her like shit. I honestly don’t see how because he walked away to say good-bye to some friends and snap some last minute pictures. She huffed off with his oldest brother and his girlfriend. Primero’s other aunt had to get to work, but she was so happy to see Primero graduate. His former teacher drove over an hour to attend his graduation but she had to get home to prepare for a 12 hour car ride to Chicago the next morning. His ex-girlfriend and her daughter were also in attendance. 

After his family dispersed and my family headed to Appleby's, his friend headed out with us and my sister text stating they needed to leave. They had actually come up for a friends wedding but arrived earlier than scheduled to attend the graduation. I was so bummed that Primero's family didn't decide to attend dinner with us. I was even more upset to hear how they seemed to turn it into a drama issue. I wanted the day to be able Primero and celebrating him and his accomplishment. I understand it was the first time both sides of the family would be spending any real time together, but couldn't we all be adults for Primero's sake? I am hoping his family will attend the graduation party we are planning for the end of July or beginning of August. Fingers crossed. 

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