Thursday, June 6, 2019

Graduation Mayhem

Today my oldest son is graduating from high school. It is a momentous occasion, one that was very uncertain for almost all of this school year. We have been through a lot to get to this point and now it is time to celebrate. Except… Last night I had to call a crisis intervention hotline because Chica Marie said she wanted to die. She even told Primero she was going to hurt herself with scissors she had in her backpack. It was a long night. Even after talking to the crisis counselor, she refused to go to sleep. I know she is struggling with leaving the teacher she had for the last two years. I know she doesn’t yet have the coping skills to deal with those big feelings. It doesn’t make it any easier. I didn’t really want to over-react, I feel like most of it was for attention, but I wanted her to know I take it seriously when she says the things she said. Her mobile therapist is going to follow up with her today at school.
Additionally, it is hard to concentrate on celebrating Primero because of my worry for Love Bug. He is also graduating tonight but I will not be there. His daycare teacher has graciously agreed to take him with her and then take him to her home until I can pick him up. I know she knows him (she isn’t his main teacher, but she has been at the center longer than my kids have been going there, so she knows us) and he knows her, but I worry about how he will act without me there. It is a worry I have all the time, but specifically tonight because the daycare teacher is being so kind to help us out, I don’t want Love Bug to give her a hard time. I am hoping the excitement will buoy his spirits and not cause him to over-load. He was pretty riled up this morning and made us late because he was refusing to go get his shoes on and leave the house.
Other periphery issues include my mom having cancer again. The ovarian cancer metastasized and she will be starting another round of chemo next week. There are some concerns about both sides of Primero’s family (biological and adoptive) meeting for the first time. His mother is going to be there as well as his oldest brother, Mr. J, his brother’s girlfriend, aunts and uncle, and his ex-girlfriend and her child. My parents, sister and brother-in-law will be there as well. We had talked about going to dinner, but I don’t know what Primero has decided. I know he worries about there being awkwardness and tension. I hope everyone can just be adults, but one just never knows. It does seem to be a powder keg.  
I want this to be a celebratory experience for my Primero. He has worked hard and I want him to know how proud I am of him and how much his hard work has paid off. I have to, even if it is momentarily, put everything else aside so this day is special for him.

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