Monday, October 27, 2014

Odds and Ends

The baby is four months old today! That’s insane! He is getting so big! He can almost sit up on his own and he can certainly hold his head up (he was doing that his first month, but was still wobbly and couldn’t control his head flops). He’s a good eater and doing ok with the addition of rice cereal to his formula. He has the biggest, most beautiful smile that just makes me melt and grin right back at him. He’s still not sleeping through the night, waking at least 2-3 times to eat. It’s much more manageable than when he was waking nearly every hour or every 2 hours. He is so adorable and I love him so much. He likes his swing, usually, unless he wants to be held then he hates it. He loves music, especially rock songs (little weirdo) and can be quieted by songs that Primero plays for him. He is also very intrigued with TV, I think just because it is a lot of color and movement. He coos and laughs, especially with Primero and his sister. Soon, he will out-grow his 3 month clothing and need larger items, in fact he has already out-grown numerous outfits. Primero can’t wait for him to talk and I’m just ready for him to sleep through the night.


I think, for the most part, we are all settled into our routines and life is buzzing along as it should be. If it weren’t for a host of issues, like car trouble, a clogged pipe in the basement, monetary issues, and the constant barrage of things breaking (like the curtain rod  that is partially falling down and would be really expensive to replace), things are good. But, these things, the constant issues that I can’t seem to escape and have no extra funds to replace properly, are pulling me down. The clogged pipe in the basement means if I do laundry the tub where the water empties into will overflow and flood the basement. The only solution, until my dad can unclog the pipe, is to bail the water as it empties from the washer. And then dump this water into the backyard, something I’m fairly certain is illegal. Plus, this is the same pipe that the kitchen sink drains into, so the same process must be taken when washing the dishes. I hate it. And the car, oh the damn car! How I wish I could light it on fire and push it off a bridge! Remember how I was without a car for nearly 6 weeks this past winter, due to the transmission going out on this car? Well, now my dad put a new alternator on and still the car isn’t working. Some electrical issue that has drained and killed my battery. And I’m tapped. I emotionally spent too much money on the cat, who ended up dying anyway, and so the finances are not in a good place right now. Most days I feel like the world’s biggest loser. Like why can’t I get my shit together already? And I can’t see an end in sight……


I’ve staying in touch with Primero’s brother, talking to him when he messages be on Facebook. I know he still really wants to move, but as time goes on this seems more and more unlikely. Primero and his older sister got into a fight on Facebook with the brother’s girlfriend. Due to her lie about being pregnant, their uncle and aunt decided the brother couldn’t move in with them. I questioned the logic on this, since the girlfriend has since been proven to not be pregnant, why couldn’t his brother now move in with the uncle and aunt. I said it sounded like it was just an excuse to me and not a very good one at that. I still think it would be an option for the county to explore that would make things easier on the brother. Perhaps it is being explored, I have no idea. I did ask Primero’s case worker if the brother could spend the weekend with us for Primero’s birthday in a few weeks. I don’t’ want to rock the boat or get anyone riled up, but it would be nice for them to spend some time together. And, the little ones will be out of the house because Primero requested that for his birthday. We shall see if that works out.


The little ones are supposed to have court the end of this week, but their mom told me last week it was going to be postponed. She says a lot of confusing stuff, so I asked the case workers and they haven’t responded yet about the court date or any of the other things the mother was telling me – like one of the visits being moved to Friday so she could celebrate Halloween with the kids. Generally, I take what she says with a grain of salt because I’m never quite sure if she is making things up or telling the truth. I also ask for confirmation from one of the case workers. I guess I will find out at some point this week, what is what. One of the case workers is coming to visit on Thursday, so I should have an answer by then at the latest……

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