Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Days Like This

I wish I could write and say my day got better yesterday, but it just didn’t. It was one of those days momma said there’d be; just a not-so-great day. Too bad it had to be on my birthday. I was really emotional at work, trying to not sob at my deck. I left just after noon to take Love Bug to the dentist. I barely made it to my van before the dam broke and the sobs and tears escaped. Too bad the drive to the daycare is short, I ended up sitting in the van until I could get ahold of myself. Love Bug did not have a good morning at daycare but he did really good at the dentist. He had a tiny cavity that they filled without issue ({no Novocain). After going home for a bit, we took one of the new foster dogs we got over the weekend on a walk to pick Chica Marie up at school. I had a raging headache from my emotional unrest all morning and finally took some Aleve so it wouldn’t build into a full-blown migraine. I had every intention of meeting my work friend for drinks, even though I know I would have been miserable and judgey knowing she was pregnant. But, Primero’s friend needed to be at an interview at the same time and so, I stayed home and made dinner instead. Some of the normalcy made me feel a little better. This morning, when I got to work my desk was decorated for my belated birthday. It made me angry and I quickly took it all down. Apparently, my birthday was on an inconvenient day and the person who was charged with decorating it thought doing it a day late would be cool. I know she was upset that I didn’t leave the decorations up for the day, but she doesn’t know how shitty it made me feel yesterday to have my birthday go unnoticed. Perhaps I might have been able to handle things better if I had only gotten a little more sleep the night before. Momma said there’d be days like this….

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