Friday, November 30, 2018

Whatever "A" It Is

According to Chica Marie’s mobile therapist, who will also be Love Bug’s mobile therapist, the psychological evaluation done by the behavioral therapy psychiatrist indicates Love Bug is dual diagnosed ADHD and ODD. Exactly like his sister. There was no mention of autism or being on the spectrum. At least not in the little bit that the mobile therapist shared with me. We have a meeting about it all next week, so perhaps more will come about then. Still, it is perplexing to me to that the diagnosis are so different. Only, according to the cursory research I have done (reading autism and ADHD websites, mostly), there seem to be a lot of overlapping behaviors between the two diagnosis. It seems to boil down to communication or lack thereof and repetitive motions. For Love Bug, he was slightly speech delayed and had speech therapy for about a year or so, but he is understandable now and can get his needs met by using his words. However, he does not always immediately verbalize what he needs. Instead, when he gets upset or frustrated or angry, he sticks his finger in his mouth, folds his arms and grunts. If a trusted adult gets down to his level and slowly talks to him, he can eventually calm down and express himself.


I don’t think Love Bug has any repetitive motions. He doesn’t flap his arms or rock back and forth. He does still suck his finger and when he is angry or overwhelmed, he runs and hides. In some ways, his behaviors are stuck at the 2 year old stage. He likes me to hold him, with his head on my shoulder, nuzzled under my neck. He often times comes to me for soothing after having a meltdown. So often he seeks to hold my hand or smush his face into my arm or just wrap his arm around mine. He is very touchy-feely with me and sometimes with other trusted adults, like his favorite daycare teacher and the director’s wife, who he calls Mee-maw, like her grandkids do. Love Bug makes eye contact with me. But, he eschews contact with his peers. If some of his friends at daycare issue an exuberant “Good morning Love Bug!” or something similar, he does not respond in kind. Instead, he dives into me, my leg or my arms if I’m crouched down at his level. Is this autism spectrum behavior? Is it ADHD? Is it just the way Love Bug copes with things? I don’t know.


I have signed the paperwork allowing the Intermediate Unit staff to evaluate Love Bug. I have also signed a release for them to provide their findings to the behavioral health staff, like the mobile therapist. Both entities assure me it is not double dipping to have them evaluate and work with Love Bug. So, at some point in the future, a school psychologist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist will observe and evaluate Love Bug. In the meantime, the behavioral health group will most likely assign a TSS worker to help Love Bug at the daycare. It has been proposed I look into the Pre-K counts class for Love Bug and I have the paperwork mostly completed I’m just hesitant to move him right now. I would need to make sure transportation is provided and the timing works with my work schedule. And, I really don’t want to start throwing Love Bug into tons of different things with so many new adults only to do it all over again when he starts kindergarten in the fall.


My goal and main concern is getting Love Bug the help he needs so he can be successful in daycare and when he starts school. The diagnosis is secondary to making sure his needs get met. What I think based on what I know, is not important. What is important is understanding Love Bug, and what techniques he needs to be stable, comfortable and maybe even enjoying daycare and school. I mean, if you don’t like kindergarten just wait for high school! I don’t want my confusion to be viewed as resistance. Whatever the mental health professionals agree upon as a diagnosis, I will accept it. I just want to make sure they see my Love Bug and understand him so we all can help him. Period. End.   

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